World Prayer Today

You are not forgotten by God

August 01, 2023

“… I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands.” -Isaiah 49:15-16

“In Myanmar we often feel forgotten. Many wonder where is God in the middle of this mess?”

That’s what we hear from Pastor D* as our World Prayer Team travels through Myanmar. Here’s the rest of his story:

Your programs help me understand the Bible in a deeper way and offer hope. While we are not officially allowed to gather, the violence and poverty in this country has opened eyes and people are finally willing to listen to God’s Word.

“I am grateful that your teaching is easy to understand and easy to share. Thank you for guiding me and teaching. My spiritual development is not wasted. Each time I listen I am reminded that God is here, that He is with us, and He will be until the end. Please pray as I tell others about this.”

We are never forgotten by God. In fact, Isaiah 49:16 tells us He has inscribed our names on the palms of His hands. This reminder is a precious gift we can turn to as we face difficult times of suffering and loneliness.

As we pray for the precious people of Myanmar to hear and realize this truth, thank God for the reminder in our lives as well. And, if you know someone who needs to hear they are not forgotten, here are a few other verses to share:

  • Isaiah 43:2
  • John 14:18
  • Deuteronomy 31:6

Buckle your seatbelt, tomorrow we’re praying through Vietnam.

Listen here to TTB-Burmese and TTB-Karen.

*name withheld for his security