World Prayer Today

Praying Luke 6:20-21 in Timor Leste

August 03, 2023

“Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh.” -Luke 6:20-21

Hope. That’s what we’re praying for today as we make our way through the small, young country of Timor Leste. Since becoming a nation in 2002, Timor Leste has struggled to break free of the poverty, division, and trauma of its tumultuous past. Close to half of the population is at or below the poverty line. Timor’s population is the most youthful in Asia and one of the youngest in the world. So, join us as we pray Luke 6:20-21 for the Timorese.

Father, we bow before You on behalf of the people in Timor Leste. Their need is great, but we know You are there with them. Please open their eyes to Your presence and show them Your mercy, Your grace. Show them the way to salvation through Jesus Christ alone. Please provide for each one according to Your plan for their lives. We pray they’ll not go hungry, but be filled by Your goodness. We pray You dry their tears, comfort them in their isolation, and fill their hearts with the joy that comes from knowing Your provision on every level. In the name of Jesus we pray this, amen.

Hop aboard the Bible Bus tomorrow morning for our study in Psalm 2 and then meet us in the Philippines as we pray.

Listen here to TTB-Hindi.