World Prayer Today

How to understand the Bible

September 01, 2023

”The Spirit of God has to open our minds and our hearts if we’re to understand the spiritual truths of the Bible.”  -Dr. J. Vernon McGee from “How to Understand the Bible”

As we journey together THRU the BIBLE, one of the important lessons we learn is that regardless of our IQ or the extent of our education, only God can open up the Word of God for us to really understand it. Elias in Chile is learning that, too. Here’s his story:

“I congratulate you with all my heart because your website is very educational and clear. I am an educated man, but when I started to know the Lord, I used to read the Bible and understand nothing. It seemed like it was written in another language. From you I have learned to pray first and ask God for the wisdom to understand … and He is answering me. Thank you for teaching that the Spirit is the one who will teach me.”

When was the last time you asked God to give you wisdom and help to know Him better? As we ask God for more people in Chile to hop aboard the Bible Bus with us, let’s pray Ephesians 1:17-18 together:

Father, thank You for Your Word in our lives. As we study together, we ask for Your Spirit of wisdom to lead us to know You better and understand the hope to which You have called us—the riches of our glorious inheritance in the saints. Thank You for being our teacher and our guide; open our hearts to Your truth and the treasures You’ve hidden in it for us to find. In the precious name of Jesus, amen.

Grab your Bible and meet us on Monday in southern Asia. We’ve got lots to pray about.

Listen here to TTB-Spanish.