World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

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December 31, 2019

This year we traveled on our knees around the world, country to country. Thank you for your fellowship and faithfulness on the journey!

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Mercy for the broken-hearted

December 30, 2019

Thanks for joining us as we pray our way through cities, countries, and continents around the world. No matter where we go, we find people whose hearts are breaking.

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December 27, 2019

In 2019, we traveled on our knees around the world, country to country. Thank you for your fellowship and faithfulness on the journey!

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Good news of great joy—to all people

December 25, 2019

As we celebrate this season of “good news of great joy which shall be to all people”—as the angels declared when they announced Jesus’ birth in that Bethlehem field—remember that they modeled how God’s grace would be shared with people from every country on earth.

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You’re in good company

December 13, 2019

Every day that you ride the Bible Bus and hear stories from around the world, you join in a community of faith, committed to getting God’s Word out.

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Diverse but not disconnected

December 10, 2019

Even now in some countries Bible teaching is still forbidden. But praise the Lord today that He is faithful to break through man-made barriers to share His Word.

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