World Prayer Today

“Studying God’s Word has changed my family.”

April 27, 2020

“Studying God’s Word has changed my family.”

That’s what Tina in Venezuela recently wrote on our Spanish Facebook page. She continues by sharing:

“We have a nice family, but something seemed to be missing. We didn’t seem to spend a lot of time together and felt very disconnected. My husband started listening to your program in April 2019. He couldn’t listen every day because of his job, and then he found them on the internet.

“One day he asked to me join him as you were teaching in the Gospel of John. From that day forward, we have studied together each day. As a result, I have accepted Christ as my Savior, and God’s Word has brought us together in many ways I don’t yet understand. Our children have seen it, too, and have begun to listen with us. Thank you for helping us understand God’s Word … it has given us a new purpose in each of our lives, and in our family life as well. We pray often for our fellow Venezuelans, asking that God’s Word be the foundation upon which they too build their lives.”

What a great request. Though most Venezuelans identify as Christian (85%), many don’t attend church and even mix Christianity with false teachings and unbiblical practices like Spiritism. Today pray more Venezuelans will hear God’s Word, set aside false beliefs, and come to a true relationship with our living Lord, Jesus Christ.

There’s more to pray about tomorrow, as the team heads south to Bolivia.