World Prayer Today

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What to do when you’re mad at God

January 27, 2022

“The greatest pulpits are not in churches, they are on beds of pain.” -Dr. J. Vernon McGee 

“I was so mad at God.” 

That’s what we hear from a listener who joins us on the Bible Bus in her language of Zulu. She continues: 

“When my husband passed away in a car accident, I blamed God and felt He was pushing me away. Why didn’t He prevent this accident? Why would He take away the man who provided for me and my two young sons? How could I continue to pay for their school? My anger soon grew to apathy, and I felt as though I wanted to give up on life. 

“My sister-in-law came to the rescue. She paid for my sons to go to school and quietly came to sit with me as I cried. Each day she listened to your programs and so I did, too. I was comforted and soon I began to see myself as a sinner. My need for God was evident. I asked Him to forgive me for my doubts and thanked Him for His provision. Today I can say the bitterness I had is gone. I have peace and know I have a purpose. My sons do, too. Thank you for your program that not only helped me realize my need for Jesus, but now also helps me share Him with others.” 

Today let’s pray for our fellow Bible Bus passengers who are hurting. Instead of turning from God, let’s pray, like Rachel, they draw near to Him through His Word. When they do, He promises to draw near to them (James 4:8).  

The journey is just beginning. Join us tomorrow as we gear up for a year of watching God at work. It’s going to be exciting. 

Listen here to TTB-Zulu.