World Prayer Today

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Praying for believers from Muslim families

November 15, 2022

It’s a great day on the Bible Bus as we begin our study of Romans. If you haven’t already joined us, consider downloading our new Romans Bible Companion and hop aboard. It’s also a great day here on World Prayer Today as we welcome a new brother from Nigeria to the family of God. Here’s his story:

“I have no church to attend because I am from a Muslim family, and in my community, Christians are not allowed. Your program in Yoruba is my worship and my study because I cannot tell others about my faith. Please pray for me. I want to be a servant to share my faith with other believers. I know God can make this happen.”

Your prayers are making a difference! Thank God for all those who are being drawn to the truth through God’s Word. Ask God to answer the prayers of this listener and develop a sweet fellowship of believers who will welcome and support all those who come from a Muslim background.

From grief to grace. Hear the important story of a family in India tomorrow on World Prayer Today.

Listen here to TTB-Yoruba.