World Prayer Today

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All you have to do is ask

May 02, 2023

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” -Matthew 7:7-8

This week we’re telling the story of Jesus and how His Word and our time on the World Prayer Team is changing us. Here’s a note from Tracey, a fellow Bible Bus passenger, who writes:

“I first heard of Dr. McGee in 1999 while living in Tucson, AZ. I had just believed in Jesus as my Savior, was determined to live a committed life, and knew I had a lot to learn about the Bible. I became a regular listener in 2001 when I was living in Southern California and had to commute to work. Dr. McGee always tells it like it is, and I needed to hear it.

“The Lord used THRU the BIBLE to give me a biblical foundation to stand on. I have listened in very lonely times like when I moved to Nicaragua to work full time in missions. Later, I listened in Costa Rica to keep me grounded as my husband and I moved there for work and ministry opportunities. Now, I listen as a homeschool Mom in Florida, and Dr. McGee has accompanied me in my transition to living in the U.S. So, I guess that makes it three states and three countries! God knew the plans He had for me so long ago, and by faith, I keep seeking and knocking so I can be a godly woman, wife, and mother.

“I have been on the World Prayer Team for over a year. My heart has grown for people in other countries, and I want to keep praying for the work the Lord is doing around the world until He comes back.

“I have no intention of ever getting off this Bible Bus! Sorry I have not written sooner, but you are appreciated. I have listened with my children as well, and I pray that they own their faith and go forward as lights to their generation.”

Ask, seek, knock. Tracey gives us a wonderful description on how to live the Christian life, and it’s also a terrific description of our time on the Bible Bus and the World Prayer Team. Today as we pray let’s thank Him for His promises in Matthew 7:7-8, that when we are persistent in pursuing Him, He is faithful.

Tell us the story of what God is doing in your life as we ask, seek, and knock together. We’d love to celebrate with you. Email us at [email protected].

Meet us back here tomorrow for more great stories of God at work.