World Prayer Today

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Answered prayers in Paraguay

September 12, 2024

Dr. McGee wasn’t shy about the importance of your prayers. Today, Gregg and Steve ask for your prayers, too. So, when we receive letters like this one from Paraguay we can’t wait to share them:

“I thought I was religious. I followed the rituals of my church and dabbled a bit in the occult. However, when I heard your programs for the first time I was perplexed. I had so many questions and felt like everything I had been told was wrong. I began to listen more and more. I liked what I heard, and it made sense. For the first time I felt like I really knew who God was. I have now given my life to Him and look forward to knowing Him better.”

Thank you, Prayer Team. Keep praying, because God is answering. As God’s Word goes out in Paraguay ask Him to open the spiritual ears of all those listening. Pray His voice is louder than those of the world and that as He calls their names they respond to His invitation to be His children now and forever.

What is God teaching you as we study His Word together? Share your story and join us tomorrow in Chile as Miguel shares his answer, too.