Articles & News

Only God: When He is All You Have

September 30, 2022

Called the man after God’s own heart, shepherd boy, and king, David experienced many storms in life. His story can be a great encouragement to you when you face trials and when problems seem to block your progress. You can read his story and know that he had similar problems. Yet born out of this life often touched by trouble, David was used by God to give us the hymnbook of the Bible, the book of Psalms—a beautiful, nuanced, and rich collection of how to praise God.

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The Spring that Satisfies

August 31, 2021

What the children of Israel experienced while going through the wilderness corresponds to our Christian experience; you can translate what happened to them directly over to the life of any believer today. We can expect to encounter the same problems and expect the same solutions to work for us. Every believer will experience their own particular version of what happened to the Israelites in the wilderness.

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A Time to Grieve, A Time to Dance

January 28, 2021

Ecclesiastes 3 illustrates the circles of life, describing different seasons—a time to cry, a time to laugh, a time to grieve, a time to dance. Today, I want to talk to those who are grieving.

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One Way God Uses Our Suffering

March 03, 2020 March McGee article image

"There is joy in the Christian life—and peace—and healing. I know, I’ve experienced all three. But it is also true that God’s children will suffer. We can’t escape it."

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Why? When We Question God

September 26, 2019 McGee feature Oct 2019

“Why?” Many people wonder why God does not move in and do something about the evil in the world. This question is basic to all questions today. If it is not your question, it certainly is mine.

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The Remedy of the Christian Life

July 29, 2019 image_Remedy of the Christian Life

What is one essential the godly man and woman need to successfully navigate this life? Dr. McGee shared that it’s a prescription only God can fill. And you’ve probably got one within arm’s reach.

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How is God Shaping You?

June 25, 2019 Potted plants on a shelf

You may have heard the expression, “He is the potter; I am the clay.” That metaphor comes from the book of Jeremiah—and from our study on the broadcast this month.

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Let God’s Love Hold You Up: For those who are suffering

May 24, 2018 Despair

The book of Job should never be entered lightly, but thoughtfully . . . compassionately. The same is true whenever we meet someone who is walking in the valley of shadows, of pain, or of death or even of setbacks and discouragement. Perhaps you’re there now. In this fragile place where questions about God and about life’s meaning and purpose fill your thoughts, our teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, has a word of counsel: Let the love of God hold you up.

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