Articles & News

Flinging the Seed

May 30, 2024

By Gregg Harris, president, THRU the BIBLE

Every so often, I stop and take in the breadth and depth of the work being done through our efforts as partners in ministry. Every day of the year, people are being drawn closer to the written Word and the Living Word, the Lord Jesus Christ, through radio and TV broadcasts, TTB Home Groups, media players, dozens of TTB apps, WhatsApp groups and users, YouTube videos, YouVersion plans … and many other digital platforms.

We are “flinging the seed” in more ways to more people than ever before! I don’t think Dr. McGee could have ever envisioned this kind of 24/7 access to his teaching.

And the responses continue to flow in! While every word is precious, I never cease to be amazed at what God is doing in the Muslim world. Here are a couple of recent responses from our partnership with TWR’s Arabic digital ministry:

“It’s been quite a while since I found the Thru the Bible program on the Facebook page. I’ve also been listening to your radio streaming. My name is Kamel, and I’m 27 years old. I work as a driver. I’m from a Muslim background, but I’ve come to believe in Jesus Christ through your program’s website.

“I want to apologize because I faked my identity when I previously contacted you and asked questions. I was scared and uncertain. I kept listening to the Bible teaching on my cell phone while driving long distances delivering goods. It’s strange how the words from [TTB’s voice in Arabic] touched my heart and my mind and started me questioning my inherited faith.

“I’m contacting you now with my details because I want to be with Christians since I am now a follower of Jesus. During the process of sending my questions from a fake account, you kept replying and answering every one of them. You never stopped sharing the truth of Jesus and His crucifixion and resurrection. You shared that we are not alone when we accept Jesus and that the Holy Spirit resides in those who believe. When I heard that, I felt at peace knowing that I won’t be alone in this world. I’m writing to confess my heart and to declare to you that I’m now a son of God. Thanking you is not enough. I would love to help you spread the good news in any way I can.”

In the past, many faithful missionaries labored in Muslim contexts and never saw a single person turn to Christ. How blessed are we to have a small part in such a great work of God!

Here is another thirsty Muslim soul, Mohammed from Egypt:

“I’ve been listening regularly to your program and the words in the Holy Bible have had a personal impact, talking to both my mind and heart. The person who is speaking on the program does it well, giving good explanations. Don’t be shocked that I am a Muslim contacting you and asking to become a Christan. I am doing this because what I found in your Bible is much more soul quenching than what I know from the Quran. I want to learn more. I want my heart to be changed, and I want to live for Jesus Christ. Will you help me?”

Our Lord clearly stated in Luke 19:10 that “the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” We are now eternally connected to Kamel and Mohammed. We will know them as brothers in Christ forever and ever and ever and ever. Amen.

I want to thank each of you for helping make this another great year of ministering the whole Word to the whole world. Your investment in prayer and resources confirm God’s provision and direction. Speaking on behalf of the THRU the BIBLE team, we are grateful for you and honored to be serving alongside you in taking the whole Word to the whole world.