Articles & News

Waiting to be welcomed home

November 18, 2022

“In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” -John 14:2

As you think about God’s promises, which one stands out the most to you? Daniel in Ethiopia tells us which one has the most meaning to him:

“I am an orphan. In my youth I did all the wrong things, but your programs have led me down the right path. As I began listening, the one thing that stood out was Jesus preparing a place for us in heaven. Growing up I never had a family or a place to call home. I am glad for the promise of being welcomed into God’s house. I talk about it so much, one day I overheard my children arguing over which of them will have the room closest to Him. This made me smile, as I know it is a reality to them. I will keep listening and wait for the day He says, ‘Welcome home.’”

It’s a joy to hear about those who are raising their children to know God and love Him. Give thanks that we too can be counted among the family of God and look forward to the day when we are welcomed into His home—our heavenly home. Pray today that orphans in Ethiopia (and all over the world) hear His Word on THRU the BIBLE and come to know Him as a Good Father … one they can rely on, trust, and be sure of His love.

Did that story make you smile? There’s more to thank God for on Monday. We’ll meet you in Tamil Nadu, India.

Listen here to TTB-Amharic.