Articles & News

A Word from Gregg Harris | November 2023

October 31, 2023

Do What You Can

We talk a lot about how we can each be part of the mission of taking the whole Word to the whole world. I’ve been impressed and challenged by so many of your creative ideas and encouraged by your initiative.

Recently on a call with our Mongolian partner, I got an update on how God’s Word was spreading to the Mongolian countryside. In a country of 3.3 million people and 70 million livestock, people depend upon their livestock for survival.

Our team in Mongolia partners with a creative, compassionate ministry of Christian veterinarians. As you can imagine, veterinarians are highly valued and respected among the nomadic herdsmen. As Christian vets make regular visits to care for the animals, they also bring the gospel. Since they are outside the reach of radio signals, they also bring THRU the BIBLE on small players and SD cards for the herdsmen to hear in their own language.

How cool is that!? THRU the BIBLE is going places we might never imagine in ways we never dreamed of. Keep that in mind as you listen today and think about creative ways you can get the word out!


Grateful for your partnership in taking the whole Word to the whole world,

Gregg Harris
Gregg Harris
THRU the BIBLE, president