Articles & News

A Mongolian grandma knows best

October 03, 2017

Once a spiritual wasteland, God’s Word is taking root in hearts and homes across Mongolia. Let’s celebrate the impact one grandmother has had on her family:

“I am writing for my grandmother because she wants you to know we listen regularly to your program. At first it wasn’t easy. My entire family was against Jesus and the Bible. But my grandmother has her ways. Now every night we gather around the radio as a group. I think the change has done us good. Our entire family seems warmer; our communication is more positive. My grandmother has never been as healthy or happy. She believes listening to the Word of God is just as important as seeing a doctor and so my family complies. Her simple request is that you pray for our family and please keep broadcasting.”

Today let’s pray for this family and all those who hear God’s Word on Thru the Bible. As they study His Word, may they begin to believe His promises and surrender their lives to Him.

Our journey through Northeast Asia continues tomorrow as we intercede for Thru the Bible’s Mandarin broadcasts in Taiwan.