Articles & News

“We are so happy to hear your voices.”

July 06, 2018

One of the benefits of studying through the Bible is that you get a comprehensive guide book on life.

So many topics, delivered through many different contexts, help us all to navigate decisions as well as normal ups and downs.

Recently, Mrs. D.T. from Cherkassy province in the Ukraine wrote to thank those who are teaching and who are praying:

“We are so happy to hear your voices,” she writes. “Sometimes we regret that the reception is not that good. But your messages help us to understand the Word of God, strengthen our faith, and teach us to obey the Lord in everything. Thank you for the body of prayer warriors—fighting on their knees the quiet, but essential, work of faith. I join you in these endeavors.”

Let’s pray for her and for other brothers and sisters in the Ukraine to know the confidence and faith that dedicated Bible study and prayer bring to those who walk with us in the Lord.

Next week we’ll travel to the Middle East on our knees. Join us!