
Praise and Prayer Needs

Please keep praying for our new international projects that are currently in production (Hmong, Kurdish, Mongolian, Uzbek), those that are currently being re-produced (Chichewa, German), and those for which we’re seeking a new producer (Hebrew). Ask that God would bless all of those involved with these efforts and that we would stay on schedule to get TTB in these languages on the air as soon as possible.

Pray for believers in Central Asia who face persecution for believing in and proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray as well that the governments of these countries would not increase restrictions on religious groups.

Listener Testimonials

This broadcast is still in production. Once it’s on air and we have received listener responses, we will share them here!

  • Producer: Name and photo withheld for security reasons
  • Launched: 2011
  • Target Area: Uzbekistan
  • Mediums: MW radio
  • Related Links: none at this time

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