World Prayer Today

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Praying for pastors

May 09, 2017

“Your programs are helping me become a better preacher!”

That’s the good news we hear from a Pastor in eastern Nepal. He continues:

“I live in a remote area, and your messages are the resource of all my biblical knowledge. I now feel confident as I share God’s truth. I never miss a message and take many notes. Not only am I learning from you, but my soul is being fed too. Spending time in God’s Word renews my faith and gives encouragement to keep preaching the Word. Please continue broadcasting … we need you. I will pray you are blessed and that people are listening.”

As we pray today, let’s ask God to bless this pastor and all those who seek to share God’s Word in remote locations. May God give them strength, comfort, and peace as they reach out in His name.

We return to India tomorrow on World Prayer Today.