1 Corinthians Bible Companion
Who hasn’t struggled to keep Jesus Christ at the center of their life? The Corinthians did, too. In this letter that draws beauty from ashes, we learn diversity is a gift, freedom in Christ is forever, and our unity flows from God’s love and His Spirit in us. Trusted Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee helps us navigate this book with confidence in God’s grace and compassion for each other.

2 Corinthians Bible Companion
The Christian life can feel like taking one step forward, then two steps back. In 2 Corinthians, the church is challenged to “grow up” in Christ, and we are reminded of God’s unfailing grace, even in the face of sin and failure. These eight lessons from Dr. J. Vernon McGee will encourage you to keep walking forward in the right direction as you grow in your faith.

1 John Bible Companion
First John is all about family—God’s family. Discover what it means to have right fellowship with God and others. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into consistent growth—both outward and inward transformation. In ten lessons, trusted Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee encourages us to “walk in the light” as God’s children and image-bearers of Jesus Christ.

2 John Bible Companion
Truth and love go hand in hand. According to 2 John, you can’t have one without the other. Love without truth is merely emotion, yet truth without love feels empty. John taught the church that our obedience to God should be motivated by love and informed by scriptural truth. Study alongside teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee as he leads the way through this brief yet impactful book.

3 John Bible Companion
The key word of 3 John is “welcome.” John encourages the church to welcome each other in. Fellowship with God, sharing the gospel, and walking in truth and love will produce a spirit of hospitality. Come along with Dr. J. Vernon McGee as he shows from 3 John that hospitality is receiving and supporting those who are also part of God’s family.

1 Peter Bible Companion
When Peter (the one who walked with Jesus) wrote this letter, the world was on fire and Christians were suffering. Peter, too, suffered and shared how his trials had strengthened his faith. He serves up great teaching—since knowing the truth helps us persevere. Dr. J. Vernon McGee walks us step by step through the fire where our hearts are purified and joy is made complete.

2 Peter Bible Companion
The Christian life is more than just being born again—it’s also about growing up in Christ. Shortly before he was crucified, Peter warned the young church about a coming storm. He wanted to give their faith an anchor in Scripture, their only defense against storms and a way to grow. Our teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, leads us in how to keep growing in our faith, even in storms.

1 Thessalonians Bible Companion
When you feel like you’re losing hope, look to God.First Thessalonians tells us that’s the remedy for hopelessness. And if you’re losing joy, then pray without ceasing, rejoice in the Lord, and give thanks to Him in every situation. These seven lessons from THRU the BIBLE’s trusted five-year study, here focused on 1 Thessalonians, will remind you of your hope in Christ and your future with Him in glory.

2 Thessalonians Bible Companion
Has Jesus already come and gone? Second Thessalonians assured fearful people who had been told a lie that Jesus Christ’s second coming was still to come. He didn’t leave you behind. Don’t give up. This same truth keeps a fire kindled in our hearts that produces self-control, discipline, and determination to keep moving forward. Trusted Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee leads us through this short, powerful book.

1 Timothy Bible Companion
A healthy church doesn’t just happen. First Timothy gives us guidelines to how a healthy church should be organized, led, and taught. In this short study, trusted Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee helps us see how church leaders reflect Jesus Christ when they love God’s truth, God’s people, and nothing more.

2 Timothy Bible Companion
Written in a Roman prison cell just before the apostle Paul’s execution, this extremely personal letter reflects on how Paul fought the “good fight” of faith and challenges us to do the same. Keep hoping, keep sharing, keep walking out the gospel. Especially pertinent to those in ministry, these four short lessons from Dr. J. Vernon McGee encourage us to remain faithful to the end.

Acts Bible Companion
The book of Acts, sometimes called the fifth Gospel, picks up where the Gospels leave off. “Take this good news to the world” was Jesus’ last words as He returned to heaven. Travel alongside the early Christians in these beginning days of a great adventure that continues even today.

Colossians Bible Companion
He is the head of the body, the church. He holds creation together. He’s the first, the best, the priority of … everything. Jesus Christ is the center of the circle around which all Christian living revolves. If you’re tempted by false teaching or feel too discouraged to go on, remember who Jesus Christ is in these six lessons from Dr. J. Vernon McGee.

Ephesians Bible Companion
What does it take to be a healthy church? First, embrace how a community, gifted with grace and life in our risen Savior, can bond together. The second half of Ephesians gives us practical truth that equips us for spiritual battle—both as individuals and the collective body of Christ. Join Dr. J. Vernon McGee as he breaks down Ephesians with simple yet profound logic in 11 summaries.

Esther Bible Companion
“God’s hand in the glove of human history” is how Dr. J. Vernon McGee describes God at work in the book of Esther—a book that never mentions God’s name, yet His fingerprints are everywhere. In five engaging summaries, follow the drama of God at work in the shadows, protecting His people even when they were far from Him. You’ll appreciate Dr. McGee’s engaging insights into how God works in our lives, too.

Galatians Bible Companion
Get ready to fight the good fight against legalism in Galatians. When this letter was written, it defended the gospel of Christ from people who wanted to reduce it to rules. Not surprising, Galatians has provided the backbone for several great spiritual revivals around the world. Freedom, we learn, is a serious fight. Allow grace to revolutionize your own life through these seven lessons from Dr. J. Vernon McGee.

Hebrews Bible Companion
It was the 60’s and the church was caught in a culture clash. People were “dropping out” and walking away from the faith. Wait—this may sound like recent decades, but it happened in the first century, too! Christianity was brand new and facing cultural, personal, and church conflict. Many were tempted to walk away from God. This strategic and significant letter says, "Don’t go back." Trusted Bible teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, explains in detail why following Jesus is better than anything—then and now.

James Bible Companion
The book of James nudges us to “put your money where your mouth is” when it comes to Christianity. If we truly believe God, then that faith will produce godly actions. James offers real-life examples of what faith looks like. Favorite teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee walks us through the practical, wise instructions found in the wisdom book of the New Testament.

John Bible Companion
The Gospel of John, a favorite book of the Bible, gives us the story behind the stories of the Gospels. Though it is one of the easiest books to read, John is also one of the most profound books to understand.

Jude Bible Companion
Jude wastes no time. This brief, powerful letter exposes false teachers—many of whom were subtle and believable. They told half-truths about the gospel, which made the lies hard to pick out. Nevertheless, partially true is completely false; almost-gospel is not gospel. Jude calls the church to recognize the false teaching in their midst for what it was. Trusted teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee helps us apply Jude’s warnings today.

Luke Bible Companion
If ever you wondered if Jesus is really human, study Luke’s Gospel. As a doctor, Luke revealed the down-to-earth compassion that pervaded Jesus’ life, revealing Him as God in the flesh. Our teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, leads us in seeing how Jesus is the Son of God, our great High Priest, touched with the feelings of our weaknesses, able to extend help, mercy, and love to us.

Mark Bible Companion
What makes Mark’s Gospel unique from the others? The difference is in the details. Mark, telling the disciple Peter’s story, gives a private glimpse of how Jesus served. He’s constantly acting on others’ behalf. He lays aside a king’s royal robes (like we saw in Matthew) and girds Himself with the towel of service. These 9 lessons from Dr. J. Vernon McGee will stir your heart to serve like Jesus.

Matthew Bible Companion
The Gospel of Matthew bridges the gap between the testaments, swinging back to gather up prophecies and going forward into the future, the first to mention the church by name. Matthew presents Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah and King. And though originally written to Jewish people, we today can see Jesus Christ in a fresh new light.

Philemon Bible Companion
Your ability to forgive comes from Jesus Christ. That’s the truth behind the story of two men—Onesimus and Philemon, both harboring anger, bitterness, and resentment toward each other. But that’s not the end of the story. Trusted teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee helps us see that while the sin nature produces bitterness, God’s love empowers us to forgive.

Philippians Bible Companion
What kind of person can sit in prison and write a book about joy? The apostle Paul’s joy transcended his earthly circumstances, and he felt compelled to share it with his friends at Philippi. He teaches that happiness is found through Christlike humility, contentment, and service. In just six short lessons, favorite teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee shows you what it means to have that same kind of joy.

Proverbs Bible Companion
Proverbs is different from any other book in the Bible. Its focus is on what makes us wise. Considering the alternative, who doesn’t want that? Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experiences and communicate a life-truth in a way that’s easy to remember. Now with these summaries of Dr. J. Vernon McGee’s detailed instruction, you can get the big picture of Proverbs and learn how to live a better life. Enjoy this one-lesson preview and look for the complete Proverbs Bible Companion coming soon.

Psalms Bible Companion
The book of Psalms is one of Dr. McGee’s favorite book studies—and you’ll soon see why. Explore each of the 150 psalms in this in-depth study and learn how they connect to each other and how they connect you to God. You’ll be thrilled to learn, to worship, to grow more in love with the God who loved you first in your deepest, most private moments. Let the songs begin. Enjoy this three-lesson preview and look for the complete Psalms Bible Companion coming soon. Get your heart ready.

Revelation Bible Companion
The subject of Revelation is not beasts and bowls of wrath. The real subject is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Sin-bearer bringing creation to its rightful place. If today you’ve wondered why God doesn’t deal with the evil in the world, look to a day yet future. Jesus is called “Faithful and True” because He comes to execute the long-time program of God. He will make good on God’s promises.

Romans Bible Companion
Romans lays down the foundation for our faith. Salvation is a free gift, received through faith alone in God. By His grace we are dead to sin and forever alive in Christ. In 15 summaries, discover how this letter follows the road to salvation, from death to life. Our teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee said, “It’s just as if it came by special delivery mail to us today.”

Ruth Bible Companion
The book of Ruth is one of the most passionate, pure love stories of all time. “The beauty and excellence of this story cannot escape even the most casual reader,” says Dr. J. Vernon McGee. God uses Ruth’s story to show us how His love breaks down racial and religious barriers. Discover the Savior in Ruth as our ultimate Kinsman-Redeemer—the One whose love made redemption possible.

Song of Solomon Bible Companion
Some people think Song of Solomon doesn’t even belong in the Bible. But Dr. McGee says, “No other book is going to draw you closer to Jesus Christ than this one—or be more personal. Solomon’s vivid, striking, and bold language paints us a glorious picture of our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ." Solomon’s Song invites you into a marvelous relationship with Jesus. Come and discover a new way to see love. Enjoy this one-lesson preview and look for the complete Song of Solomon Bible Companion coming soon.

Titus Bible Companion
What you believe or don’t believe about God affects everything you do. Sound doctrine (true truth) is Titus’ first focus. Next, it focuses on how to live out that truth in our lives, communities, and churches. In this short study, Dr. J. Vernon McGee helps us connect what we believe about God with how we live life.