These booklets by Dr. McGee on a wide variety of topics are all designed to teach, challenge, inspire, or comfort you from the truth of God's Word.

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Bible Companions:

These summaries of Dr. J. Vernon McGee’s teaching heard on THRU the BIBLE get to the heart of Bible passages and are intended to stir your own thinking, prayer, and study. After every lesson, several questions are listed for your personal consideration or, if you’re reading with a group, for your discussion. Read it with your Bible open and your heart ready to go deeper as the Lord leads you through His Word.

1 Corintians BC cover
1 Corinthians Bible Companion

Who hasn’t struggled to keep Jesus Christ at the center of their life? The Corinthians did, too. In this letter that draws beauty from ashes, we learn diversity is a gift, freedom in Christ is forever, and our unity flows from God’s love and His Spirit in us. Trusted Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee helps us navigate this book with confidence in God’s grace and compassion for each other.


2 Corinthians Bible Companion

The Christian life can feel like taking one step forward, then two steps back. In 2 Corinthians, the church is challenged to “grow up” in Christ, and we are reminded of God’s unfailing grace, even in the face of sin and failure. These eight lessons from Dr. J. Vernon McGee will encourage you to keep walking forward in the right direction as you grow in your faith.


1 John Bible Companion

First John is all about family—God’s family. Discover what it means to have right fellowship with God and others. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into consistent growth—both outward and inward transformation. In ten lessons, trusted Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee encourages us to “walk in the light” as God’s children and image-bearers of Jesus Christ.


2 John Bible Companion

Truth and love go hand in hand. According to 2 John, you can’t have one without the other. Love without truth is merely emotion, yet truth without love feels empty. John taught the church that our obedience to God should be motivated by love and informed by scriptural truth. Study alongside teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee as he leads the way through this brief yet impactful book. 


3 John Bible Companion

The key word of 3 John is “welcome.” John encourages the church to welcome each other in. Fellowship with God, sharing the gospel, and walking in truth and love will produce a spirit of hospitality. Come along with Dr. J. Vernon McGee as he shows from 3 John that hospitality is receiving and supporting those who are also part of God’s family. 


1 Peter Bible Companion

When Peter (the one who walked with Jesus) wrote this letter, the world was on fire and Christians were suffering. Peter, too, suffered and shared how his trials had strengthened his faith. He serves up great teaching—since knowing the truth helps us persevere. Dr. J. Vernon McGee walks us step by step through the fire where our hearts are purified and joy is made complete.


2 Peter Bible Companion

The Christian life is more than just being born again—it’s also about growing up in Christ. Shortly before he was crucified, Peter warned the young church about a coming storm. He wanted to give their faith an anchor in Scripture, their only defense against storms and a way to grow. Our teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, leads us in how to keep growing in our faith, even in storms.


1 Thessalonians BC cover
1 Thessalonians Bible Companion

When you feel like you’re losing hope, look to God.First Thessalonians tells us that’s the remedy for hopelessness. And if you’re losing joy, then pray without ceasing, rejoice in the Lord, and give thanks to Him in every situation. These seven lessons from THRU the BIBLE’s trusted five-year study, here focused on 1 Thessalonians, will remind you of your hope in Christ and your future with Him in glory. 


2 Thessalonians BC cover
2 Thessalonians Bible Companion

Has Jesus already come and gone? Second Thessalonians assured fearful people who had been told a lie that Jesus Christ’s second coming was still to come. He didn’t leave you behind. Don’t give up. This same truth keeps a fire kindled in our hearts that produces self-control, discipline, and determination to keep moving forward. Trusted Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee leads us through this short, powerful book.


1 Timothy BC cover
1 Timothy Bible Companion

A healthy church doesn’t just happen. First Timothy gives us guidelines to how a healthy church should be organized, led, and taught. In this short study, trusted Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee helps us see how church leaders reflect Jesus Christ when they love God’s truth, God’s people, and nothing more. 


2 Timothy Bible Companion

Written in a Roman prison cell just before the apostle Paul’s execution, this extremely personal letter reflects on how Paul fought the “good fight” of faith and challenges us to do the same. Keep hoping, keep sharing, keep walking out the gospel. Especially pertinent to those in ministry, these four short lessons from Dr. J. Vernon McGee encourage us to remain faithful to the end.


Acts Bible Companion

The book of Acts, sometimes called the fifth Gospel, picks up where the Gospels leave off. “Take this good news to the world” was Jesus’ last words as He returned to heaven. Travel alongside the early Christians in these beginning days of a great adventure that continues even today.


Colossians BC cover
Colossians Bible Companion

He is the head of the body, the church. He holds creation together. He’s the first, the best, the priority of … everything. Jesus Christ is the center of the circle around which all Christian living revolves. If you’re tempted by false teaching or feel too discouraged to go on, remember who Jesus Christ is in these six lessons from Dr. J. Vernon McGee.


Ephesians Bible Companion cover
Ephesians Bible Companion

What does it take to be a healthy church? First, embrace how a community, gifted with grace and life in our risen Savior, can bond together. The second half of Ephesians gives us practical truth that equips us for spiritual battle—both as individuals and the collective body of Christ. Join Dr. J. Vernon McGee as he breaks down Ephesians with simple yet profound logic in 11 summaries.


Esther Bible Companion

“God’s hand in the glove of human history” is how Dr. J. Vernon McGee describes God at work in the book of Esther—a book that never mentions God’s name, yet His fingerprints are everywhere. In five engaging summaries, follow the drama of God at work in the shadows, protecting His people even when they were far from Him. You’ll appreciate Dr. McGee’s engaging insights into how God works in our lives, too.


Galatians Bible Companion

Get ready to fight the good fight against legalism in Galatians. When this letter was written, it defended the gospel of Christ from people who wanted to reduce it to rules. Not surprising, Galatians has provided the backbone for several great spiritual revivals around the world. Freedom, we learn, is a serious fight. Allow grace to revolutionize your own life through these seven lessons from Dr. J. Vernon McGee.


Hebrews Bible Companion

It was the 60’s and the church was caught in a culture clash. People were “dropping out” and walking away from the faith. Wait—this may sound like recent decades, but it happened in the first century, too! Christianity was brand new and facing cultural, personal, and church conflict. Many were tempted to walk away from God. This strategic and significant letter says, "Don’t go back." Trusted Bible teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, explains in detail why following Jesus is better than anything—then and now.


James Bible Companion cover
James Bible Companion

The book of James nudges us to “put your money where your mouth is” when it comes to Christianity. If we truly believe God, then that faith will produce godly actions. James offers real-life examples of what faith looks like. Favorite teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee walks us through the practical, wise instructions found in the wisdom book of the New Testament.


John BC cover
John Bible Companion

The Gospel of John, a favorite book of the Bible, gives us the story behind the stories of the Gospels. Though it is one of the easiest books to read, John is also one of the most profound books to understand.


Jude Bible Companion

Jude wastes no time. This brief, powerful letter exposes false teachers—many of whom were subtle and believable. They told half-truths about the gospel, which made the lies hard to pick out. Nevertheless, partially true is completely false; almost-gospel is not gospel. Jude calls the church to recognize the false teaching in their midst for what it was. Trusted teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee helps us apply Jude’s warnings today.


Luke Bible Companion cover
Luke Bible Companion

If ever you wondered if Jesus is really human, study Luke’s Gospel. As a doctor, Luke revealed the down-to-earth compassion that pervaded Jesus’ life, revealing Him as God in the flesh. Our teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, leads us in seeing how Jesus is the Son of God, our great High Priest, touched with the feelings of our weaknesses, able to extend help, mercy, and love to us.


Mark BC cover
Mark Bible Companion

What makes Mark’s Gospel unique from the others? The difference is in the details. Mark, telling the disciple Peter’s story, gives a private glimpse of how Jesus served. He’s constantly acting on others’ behalf. He lays aside a king’s royal robes (like we saw in Matthew) and girds Himself with the towel of service. These 9 lessons from Dr. J. Vernon McGee will stir your heart to serve like Jesus.


Matthew Companion cover
Matthew Bible Companion

The Gospel of Matthew bridges the gap between the testaments, swinging back to gather up prophecies and going forward into the future, the first to mention the church by name. Matthew presents Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah and King. And though originally written to Jewish people, we today can see Jesus Christ in a fresh new light.


Philemon Bible Companion

Your ability to forgive comes from Jesus Christ. That’s the truth behind the story of two men—Onesimus and Philemon, both harboring anger, bitterness, and resentment toward each other. But that’s not the end of the story. Trusted teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee helps us see that while the sin nature produces bitterness, God’s love empowers us to forgive.


Philippians Bible Companion cover
Philippians Bible Companion

What kind of person can sit in prison and write a book about joy? The apostle Paul’s joy transcended his earthly circumstances, and he felt compelled to share it with his friends at Philippi. He teaches that happiness is found through Christlike humility, contentment, and service. In just six short lessons, favorite teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee shows you what it means to have that same kind of joy.


Proverbs BC_preview
Proverbs Bible Companion

Proverbs is different from any other book in the Bible. Its focus is on what makes us wise. Considering the alternative, who doesn’t want that? Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experiences and communicate a life-truth in a way that’s easy to remember. Now with these summaries of Dr. J. Vernon McGee’s detailed instruction, you can get the big picture of Proverbs and learn how to live a better life. Enjoy this one-lesson preview and look for the complete Proverbs Bible Companion coming soon.


Psalms BC Preview cover
Psalms Bible Companion

The book of Psalms is one of Dr. McGee’s favorite book studies—and you’ll soon see why. Explore each of the 150 psalms in this in-depth study and learn how they connect to each other and how they connect you to God. You’ll be thrilled to learn, to worship, to grow more in love with the God who loved you first in your deepest, most private moments. Let the songs begin. Enjoy this three-lesson preview and look for the complete Psalms Bible Companion coming soon. Get your heart ready.


Revelation Bible Companion cover
Revelation Bible Companion

The subject of Revelation is not beasts and bowls of wrath. The real subject is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Sin-bearer bringing creation to its rightful place. If today you’ve wondered why God doesn’t deal with the evil in the world, look to a day yet future. Jesus is called “Faithful and True” because He comes to execute the long-time program of God. He will make good on God’s promises.


Romans Bible Companion cover
Romans Bible Companion

Romans lays down the foundation for our faith. Salvation is a free gift, received through faith alone in God. By His grace we are dead to sin and forever alive in Christ. In 15 summaries, discover how this letter follows the road to salvation, from death to life. Our teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee said, “It’s just as if it came by special delivery mail to us today.”


Ruth Bible Companion cover
Ruth Bible Companion

The book of Ruth is one of the most passionate, pure love stories of all time. “The beauty and excellence of this story cannot escape even the most casual reader,” says Dr. J. Vernon McGee. God uses Ruth’s story to show us how His love breaks down racial and religious barriers. Discover the Savior in Ruth as our ultimate Kinsman-Redeemer—the One whose love made redemption possible.


Song of Solomon preview cover
Song of Solomon Bible Companion

Some people think Song of Solomon doesn’t even belong in the Bible. But Dr. McGee says, “No other book is going to draw you closer to Jesus Christ than this one—or be more personal. Solomon’s vivid, striking, and bold language paints us a glorious picture of our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ." Solomon’s Song  invites you into a marvelous relationship with Jesus. Come and discover a new way to see love. Enjoy this one-lesson preview and look for the complete Song of Solomon Bible Companion coming soon.


Titus Bible Companion

What you believe or don’t believe about God affects everything you do. Sound doctrine (true truth) is Titus’ first focus. Next, it focuses on how to live out that truth in our lives, communities, and churches. In this short study, Dr. J. Vernon McGee helps us connect what we believe about God with how we live life.   


Featured Booklets:

BelovedBeloved: Love Lessons from the Song of Solomon
The Song of Solomon is one of the most beautiful love stories in the Bible—yet not many people read it. The Jews called it the Holy of Holies of Scripture. What’s good to remember when you study this controversial book is that Solomon wrote this love story about married love as a parable of God’s love for Israel, and now we see it also as Jesus’ love for the church and His love for us, individually. (From the Sunday Sermon, "The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.")

Bitter to Sweet coverBitter to Sweet: God's Answers to Life's Disappointments

Expectations are cruel companions. Rarely do they deliver and most assuredly, they leave us disappointed. Dr. J. Vernon McGee—who was no stranger to life’s challenges—leads us back to the wilderness to learn how not to turn bitter in those moments of dashed expectations but, instead, how to turn to God. (Was "Changing Bitter Waters to Sweet.")

The Christmas Story coverThe Christmas Story

Tired of the hustle of the season and want to focus your heart on what really matters? A perfect read for the season, “The Christmas Story,” takes you on a journey through Scripture—beginning in the Garden of Eden, to the manger in Bethlehem and Jesus’ death on the cross—as you are reminded of Christmas’ true meaning and God’s great love for each of us. (Was "The Story of Christmas.")

The Cross Through Jesus' Eyes
(Psalm 22) Instead of standing beneath the cross and passively listening to Jesus utter His seven last sayings, view the crucifixion of Christ from a new position—from the cross itself. Look with Him on those beneath His cross and see what went on in His heart and in His mind as He hung there. Examine what occurred in His soul as He became the sacrifice for the sins of the world. Because as He was suspended there between heaven and earth, He became the ladder let down from heaven to this earth so we might have a way to God. (Was "An X-Ray of the Cross.")


Dark Side of God's Love booklet coverThe Dark Side of God's Love
John is known as the apostle of love, but Zephaniah is the prophet of love. He tells us about another side of God's love, though—the love of the Great Physician who is willing to take His children into painful surgery to root out the disease of sin in our lives. Learn that God loves you just as much when He is subjecting you to surgery as when He overwhelms you with gifts. (Was "The Dark Side of Love.")

The Faith Equation coverThe Faith Equation: Faith + 0 = Salvation
The only way God can accept a sinner and make him righteous is through faith in Jesus Christ. That’s the great truth being left out of churches today. God refuses to accept law-keeping or good works. The very moment someone says, “I’m depending on doing this or that for my salvation,” it means two things: He is trusting his works, and he is not trusting Christ. Salvation is only by faith in Christ.

Firm Up Your Faith coverFirm Up Your Faith: How to Have Confidence in God
As part of God’s design for us as humans, we are made up of three parts—the intellect, the emotions, and the will. God directs the gospel to all three, and He invites us to respond in all three parts of our being. That's the way to have a full-bodied faith. (From the Sunday Sermon, "Looking at Faith in the Laboratory of Life.")

For Those Who Grieve coverFor Those Who Grieve
The Spirit of God is called to help you, to strengthen you, to relieve the loneliness, ease the grief, and calm your fears. He is your advocate in time of fear and trouble, with you in the desperate hour of life. When our soul cries out for the Comforter, He comes alongside us. When we know for sure that "the God of all mercies" is with us in all life’s troubles, we can live by faith and not by fear.

Forget About ItForget About It: How to Put the Past Behind You
Do you have a problem with stewing over the sins of your past? Forget about it. Do you stay up at night thinking about dumb things you said or did? Forget about it. That's the counsel Dr. McGee gives based on Philippians 3:13-14. Learn how to put the past behind you. You'll be so glad you did. (From the Sunday Sermon, "What Do You Do With Your Past?")

Fruitful LivingFruitful Living: Discover God's Purpose for Your Life
God made you for a reason. Do you believe that? Jesus Himself told us our life’s purpose as a child of God: “By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit.” Explore what that fruit is and how you can grow it in your life. (From the audio message "The Holy Spirit and Fruit Bearing" and the Sunday Sermon "Fruit, More Fruit, Much Fruit.")

Gifts of the Spirit: How and Why to Use Yours
(1 Corinthians 12-14) Every believer has a gift from the Holy Spirit. God sovereignly gives the gifts, and He gives them as it pleases Him. Why? So the body can function. There’s nothing more thrilling than to know God has given you gifts to function in this world, and that we can be partners with Jesus Christ in the tremendous enterprise of making Him known.

God of the Second Chance coverGod of the Second Chance: The Real Story of Jonah
Dig into the book of Jonah with Dr. J. Vernon McGee and you’ll discover the whale is just a prop God used. The real story is so much better. It’s really about how the Lord gave Jonah a second chance. “Only God will do that—including for you and me,” Dr. McGee says. Follow Jonah on His journey back to God. (Was "Jonah: Dead or Alive?")

God So Loved coverGod So Loved 

The words of John 3:16—arguably the most well-known verse in the Bible—are simple. But they are also so profound that it's a wonder any one of us really knows what they mean. Why did our Lord enter and pass through this world? Because you were here, and He wanted to save you.

The God Who Weeps coverThe God Who Weeps 

It was a profound revelation for the ancient world to learn there are tears in God’s eyes. God in tears? It’s a startling thought. But the Bible tells us that God has been in tears. The Gospel writers record three times in the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ when He wept, and those tears reveal the heart of God.

God's Grand Finale coverGod's Grand Finale: Introduction to Revelation

Revelation does not originate or begin anything, but it brings to complete conclusion what began somewhere else in Scripture. At least ten great subjects of prophecy find their fulfillment in Revelation. It is like an airport with ten great airlines coming into it. We need to understand where each began and how it was developed as it arrives in Revelation.

How to Have Fellowship coverHow to Have Fellowship With God

In one of the last conversations Jesus had with His disciples before the Cross, He told them He wanted to continue having fellowship with them even though He would be in heaven and they'd be on earth. This was a new way to have fellowship—something they’d never seen before. Then He showed them what He meant. We, too, can have that sweet fellowship with God.

How to Have Peace in Anxious TimesHow to Have Peace in Anxious Times
Anxiety shines a spotlight for us on how much we need the Lord. That's what Dr. McGee reminds us of as we explore God's Word and discover His solution to the things that keep us up at night. Be willing to do this one thing and be ready to receive God's unexplainable peace. (From the Sunday Sermon, "When Prayer Does Not Change Things.")

How to Understand the BibleHow to Understand the Bible
When you seriously study the Word of God, you see His road map in your life and in the patterns of history. Wouldn’t you like to understand the Bible like that? This eBook is a beautiful new digital rendering of Dr. McGee's valuable and long-loved "Guidelines for the Understanding of the Scriptures."

Lessons on How to Pray
(Ephesians) God invites us to be men and women of prayer. He welcomes us to come before Him boldly and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Paul displays a great example to follow when praying. Studying his prayers will revolutionize your own prayer life. (Was "When Paul Prayed.")

Let Us Pray coverLet Us Pray
(Matthew 6:9-13) A study of the Lord's Prayer lays on the heart of God’s people the urgency for knocking on His door, the necessity of asking, and the importunity for seeking. Dr. McGee gave this message with the prayer that it would stimulate God’s people to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Living for God cover imageLiving for God in a World That Has Forgotten Him
(Jude 20-25) This booklet could very easily be called, “What’s Wrong with the Church Today?” But the real question to ask when a particular church or teacher seems off is—Do they know and follow the real Jesus Christ? If the answer is no, then they are apostate. Dr. McGee gives us a historical review of how the church got in this place and then seven timely words of instruction from the book of Jude of how God’s people can survive these “latter” days in which we now live. (Was "What Can Believers Do in Days of Apostasy?")

Living the Christian Life God's Way
(Romans 8) Dr. McGee considered Romans 8 to be one of the greatest chapters of the Bible. It opens with “no condemnation,” closes with “no separation,” and in between “all things work together for good to those who love God.”

MasterpieceMasterpiece: Your Life in God’s Hands
Dr. McGee’s message from Jeremiah 18 reminds us that our God is the great Potter, and in His hands the broken shards of our lives can be molded and crafted into new vessels—living works of art that honor Him. (Was "What the Clay Can Do With the Potter"; from the Sunday Sermon, "The Potter and the Clay.")

The Message of the Silent Years coverThe Message of the Silent Years     

How can Jesus sympathize with us? He became one of us. He lived as we live. He felt things as we do and experienced all the highs and lows of being human. Dr. McGee gives insight into the human side of Jesus’ incarnation in this short and stirring account of Jesus’ silent years. 


Who is Jesus coverThe Most Important Question: Who is Jesus?
This question has caused more confusion, difference of opinion, and division than any other. It has always been so. Some think it’s not really important that He was who He said He was. But we cannot trust Him unless we have confidence in His person. The real test for anyone is: “What do you think about the Christ?” (Matthew 22:42). (From the Sunday Sermon, "Did Jesus Say He Would Build the Church on Simon Peter?")

Not So Bad Sin coverThe "Not So Bad" Sin
God said, “I loved Jacob, and I hated Esau.” What a strange thing for God to say. What does it mean? We find out in the little book of Obadiah. Here’s a preview: God hated Esau because of his pride. Really? you might say. Is that all? It makes very little impression on us, because we have lost our sense of the proportion of sin. But pride says, “I can live without God.” Find out what God thinks of that. (Was "Evolution and You.")

On the Other Side of Prayer coverOn the Other Side of Prayer: What happens in heaven when we pray on earth
Most of our trouble and problems can be traced back to the poverty of our prayer lives. In the Gospel of Luke, our Lord uses a few brushstrokes to paint four portraits of prayer. They are simply snapshots to carry with you in your Christian walk, very practical. Put these snapshots together for a composite picture of prayer. (Was "What Jesus Said About Prayer.")

One Hour in RomansOne Hour in Romans: For Personal or Small Group Study
Dr. McGee originally prepared this booklet as a survey to give you a broad brush over the book as foundation to the more in-depth study of Romans on our Bible Bus journey. We’ve added a few questions at the end of each section to encourage you to stop and ask—“What did I just learn?” and “How might God want me to apply this to my life?” These prompts can be engaged with individually or as a group.

Only God_coverOnly God: When He is All You Have
Songs have a way of touching us in the hardest seasons of life. This is especially true for those who write and compose songs. David experienced this—you can read his story and identify with how he faced problems similar to ours. He wrote Psalm 62 as a song, just one in the great hymnbook of the Bible, the book of Psalms. He wrote out of profound experience. His psalms encompass his own life, and Psalm 62 expresses David’s heart during the greatest crisis of his life. In it, we can see the depth of his soul laid bare. (Was "The 'Only' Psalm.")

Radical Cost of the CrossThe Radical Cost of the Cross
The cross of Christ is the most recognizable symbol in the world, yet no one fully knows its meaning. It is a profound mystery. On it, Christ paid a tremendous price for you. God is satisfied with what Jesus did for you on the cross. Are you? (Was "When God Flexes His Muscles.")

The Real Songs of Christmas coverThe Real Songs of Christmas

After the angel Gabriel brought the message of redeeming love and the remembered joyful concern of God for man—first to Zacharias, then to Mary, and then to Joseph—it was time for man to respond … only it was the women who broke forth in song. Before the story of shepherds and angels, there was this story of two women and two songs. Together they provide a proper perspective of the real Christmas story. (Was "Elisabeth: The First Person to Worship Jesus.")


Rest Assured Rest Assured: Conquering Your Doubts About Your Salvation
(1 John 5) Can you know with certainty that you are saved and are forever a child of God? Peace of mind cannot be wrapped in a box, but to every Christian, God gives this valuable gift. Millions long for it, but find it just out of reach. This intangible prize, a real gift of the spiritual realm, is of inestimable value and is purchased only by the blood of Jesus Christ. (Was "How You Can Have the Assurance of Salvation.")

Right on Time cover imageRight On Time: Expecting Jesus, Then and Now
Was it a surprise when Jesus, God’s Son, was born in Bethlehem? Not if you read the Old Testament carefully. His first coming was prophesied for centuries. Will it be a surprise when Jesus returns for His church? Not if we read the New Testament carefully. In fact, the faithful are already expecting Him. In this brief doctrinal survey, Dr. J. Vernon McGee tells us the secret to expecting Jesus, then and now. It’s as simple as this: Believe Him. (Was "They Should Have Expected Him, and So Should We.")

Stand UpStand Up: Lessons of Courage from the Book of Daniel
In every generation, courage wears the face of the ordinary person who refuses to back down to evil or injustice but instead chooses to stand up for what is right or righteous. We’d recognize some of their names, but most are known only to silent witnesses and some only to God. But God sees them all. Here’s a true account of a man named Daniel who repeatedly stood up for God, even when it cost him everything. See what God thought of that in this stirring message from Dr. McGee. (Was "Daniel: Choosing to Stand Alone.")

Tested and TrueTested and True: Lessons on Faith from God's Classroom
James seems to have little in common with contemporary Christianity as we know it today. James was austere, rugged, serious, and solemn. He was also very practical. He believed Christianity had to be put in shoe leather. If you couldn’t walk it out, then it wasn’t true Christianity. So he took us to God's classroom and described what a faith that works looks like. Practically speaking, he wrote about the skills and techniques we need to faithfully live the Christian life. (From the Sunday Sermon, "The Entrance Exams to God's University.")

True Worship cover True Worship: What It Takes to Really Praise the Lord
(Psalm 150) What does it take to really worship God? If you’re honest, you know what it means to stand in church and sing the words with everyone else (maybe even pray or kneel or lift up your hands and face to God) but wonder if what you’re doing is really worship. The truth is, maybe it is—and maybe it isn’t. Find out what God loves to hear from you in this honest study in Psalm 150. One little verse will change the way you sing and praise Him for the rest of your life. (Was "What is Worship?")

Under the TreeUnder the Tree: Eight Gifts Jesus Gives You at the Cross
We don't know the historical basis of the Christmas tree. But here's something to take to heart at this season: God has His own Christmas tree, and underneath are gifts for His children. Though they’re not wrapped with paper and ribbon, they are of infinite beauty. They come straight from heaven and were purchased with the precious blood of Christ. (Was "The Cross is God's Christmas Tree.")

What it Takes to be Forgiven
Aside from killing Goliath, David is probably best known for his sin with Bathsheba. This message presents four things that happen to every believer when they sin, while at the same time asserting that God offers forgiveness to those who love Him. David repented and was forgiven—if God hadn't forgiven him, there would be no hope for our own forgiveness. (From the Sunday Sermon, "David and the Wife of Uriah.")

What to Do When Life is Hard_cover What to Do When Life is Hard
Modern life can seem like an obstacle course of problems, temptations, and hardships. If we’re honest, these obstacles sometimes feel insurmountable. As a follower of Christ, where can you find help and hope? (From the Sunday Sermon, "God's Answer to Problems in Times Like These.")

TTB-WhattoDoWhenYouWantGodsWill What to Do When You Want God's Will

What does God want me to do with my life? It’s the question of the ages. The Old Testament prophet Isaiah gave us a peek into how God called him to be His voice to his generation and beyond. In this survey of Isaiah 6, Dr. J. Vernon McGee leads us through the process Isaiah took in living out God’s call. “It’s an exciting thing for us to find out what God wants us to do. Nothing is as thrilling. The important thing for us is to put ourselves in His presence. He doesn’t want us to try to do it ourselves. He gives us Himself.” (Was "Isaiah: His Call and Commission.")


When the Cross Divides

(1 Corinthians 1:18) Think about the cross of Jesus Christ. Did you know that what you’re thinking of right now tells a lot about you? Dr. McGee explains how our opinion about the cross tells us about the condition of our hearts. We’ll look at the lives of real people in history who chose to believe the cross was the instrument of their salvation and those who thought talk like that was just foolishness. Come to this study with an open heart to all God has for you—because of the cross. (Was "The Cross Divides Men.")


Why Do Gods Children Suffer booklet cover Why Do God's Children Suffer?
Dr. McGee says "the most important thing to do in our suffering is to draw near to God. When we do, He promises to draw near to us.” In this popular message, he gives us seven reasons Scripture says we suffer, and also suggests four benefits of suffering for the believer.

Why Doesn't God Do Something coverWhy Doesn't God Do Something?
When crises in the world . . . or in your own spirit . . . turn your face to God, look to His Word for answers and perspective. When the prophet Habakkuk asked God, “Why aren’t You doing something?,” God showed him (and us) how to walk by faith—and find Him on the other side. (Was "Life's Biggest Question and God's Answer.")

Why Four Gospels cover Why Four Gospels?

Have you ever wondered why God gave us exactly four Gospels? Each was written by a different author and includes different details than the others. Some might wonder if this diminishes the credibility of the Bible. Dr. McGee teaches that this slight differentiation enhances the credibility and intentionality of God’s Word. Discover the four audiences each Gospel is geared toward—one was written for you.

Additional Booklets:

Abounding Grace
(2 Corinthians 8 & 9) God wants to talk to believers about our relationship to the material blessings He’s given us and how they are to be used. There are no rules for Christian giving, but He does give clear-cut principles.
Ai and I
(Joshua 7) Zeroes in on our greatest enemy who, surprisingly, is sitting in the seat with you at this moment.
The Amazing, Alarming, and Awful Apostasy
The apostasy is coming–blatant immorality, rejection of God's Word, and denial of Christ as our Lord. In this message from the Epistle of Jude, Dr. McGee details the apostasy in our present day.
America Needs a Declaration of Dependence
Disturbed by national and international conditions, we fail to ask who is to blame. In this penetrating message, Dr. J. Vernon McGee demonstrates the real answer as suggested in Isaiah 1.
America Needs to be Thankful
(2 Chronicles) Most Americans enjoy material blessings that surpass even those of King Solomon, and spiritual blessings abound through faith in Jesus Christ.
The Antidote to Anti-Semitism
As fresh outbreaks of anti-Semitism are appearing in many places, what should Christians do? This booklet deals with the interesting biblical background and presents the antidote.
Armageddon: What? Where? When?
(Revelation 16 & Daniel 11) Covers the place and time of Armageddon, the final war, the forces involved in it, the purpose, and the conclusion.
Back to Bethel
Dr. McGee examines Genesis 35:1-15 to tell us the story of Jacob who refused to submit to God at home, so God gave him a 20-year education in the far country, and Uncle Laban taught all the classes. After graduation, God called Jacob back to Bethel and he started living for God.
Balaam: A Prophet for Profit
(Numbers 22-25) Probes into the thinking of the shadowy character of Balaam, exposing the greed that was there--greed that may be lurking in our own hearts.
The Battle of the Gods
(Exodus 7-12) Recognizes the two great spiritual forces in this world, God and Satan, and reveals how the plagues upon Egypt were leveled at its false gods -- a telling blow against the satanic deception of the Egyptian people.
Behind the Black Curtain in the Upper Room
(John 14) Dr. McGee shows how our Lord taught the much-loved truths of this chapter by building on interruptions from Peter, Thomas, Philip, and Judas.
The Best Love
Dr. McGee maintained that many people are getting married who are not prepared for a relationship that God alone can bless. In this well-loved message, Dr. McGee explains that God promises a lasting, happy marriage to a man and woman who are Spirit-filled.
Better Than Bethlehem
His birth in Bethlehem was not the first nor the last appearance of Christ in the world. We see Him revealed in the Old Testament; also, the significance of His birth and His unveiling are found in the revelation.
Born of a Daughter of David
Traces the genealogy of Jesus from Abraham to His birth at Bethlehem. Explains the difference between the two genealogies in the New Testament and why the virgin birth was imperative.
Charge It!
(Philemon) Back of this epistle is the apostle. Back of his promise is a person who will pay. Back of the charge is collateral, and back of the communication is a confidence that brings comfort to the heart.
Christmas in the Home of Abraham?
(Genesis 12-22) Highlights Abraham's life and shows how Isaac foreshadowed the coming of Jesus Christ.
Christmas is God Shining In
The first time Christ came to this earth was not at Bethlehem, but in the Garden of Eden. Christ's birth takes on new meaning and sheds new light on the place where the star shone so brightly.
The Church at Its Best
(Revelation 2:1-5) This was the church at Ephesus, because it had an intense, enthusiastic devotion to the person of Jesus Christ.
Confidence, Certainty, and Cheer
(Philippians 1) In the Epistle to the Philippians Paul writes about Christian living at the highest level. If God’s children could learn to live for Christ, there would be confidence, certainty, and cheer in our lives.
The Country Preacher Who Came to Town
(Amos 7) Amos, the Old Testament prophet, may have been a "country bumpkin," but he was God's man. Fearlessly and powerfully, he gave God's message that judgment awaits nations living in luxury and lolling in immorality.
Darkness and Light: The Day of the Lord
If you’ve ever been confused about prophecy, this is the booklet for you. Dr. McGee clearly spells out God’s scenario for the future as described in the Bible, event by event, from the Rapture to the New Jerusalem.
Death of a Little Child
Dr. McGee shares the comfort God gave to him during the heartrending experience of losing his firstborn daughter. Over the years it has been a help to countless grieving parents who need a word of comfort in a lonely and dark hour.
From the Top of the Mount of Olives You Can See Forever
(Matthew 24 & 25) Exposition of the Olivet Discourse. Jesus answers His disciples' questions concerning the last days: 1) "When shall these things be?" 2)"What shall be the sign of thy coming and 3) of the end of the age?”
Fruit of the Sycamore Tree
(Luke 19) Dr. McGee's delightful message on Jesus' encounter with the despised tax collector, Zacchaeus. A clear presentation of salvation.
The God of All Comfort
(2 Corinthians 1:3) Is comfort just a pat on the arm and sympathetic platitudes? God’s comfort is to help us, and goes with us through the difficulties of life.
Golden Bells and Pomegranates
(Exodus 28 & Leviticus 8) The high priest's robe of the ephod had around the hem golden bells interspersed with pomegranates. Dr. McGee likens the bells to a believer's verbal convictions and pomegranates to the fruit of a believer's life. An encouraging and motivating message.
The Gospel in the Gates of Jerusalem
(Nehemiah 3) Dr. McGee takes us around the ten gates of the city of Jerusalem in Nehemiah’s day and applies the significance of each gate to our own lives.
Grace in Three Time Zones
(Titus 2) The three time zones are the past when salvation appeared in the person of Christ; the present when the Holy Spirit teaches and empowers us to live for Christ; and the future when the blessed hope becomes a reality. All of this is by His grace.
The Greatest Sin in All the World
(Hosea) This message has its background in Hosea's heartbreak over his unfaithful wife, Gomer--who sold herself into harlotry--and her restoration. Dr. McGee draws parallels to God's dealings with the nation Israel.
Guidelines for Understanding Scripture
Dr. McGee's introduction to his 5-year Bible study through the entire Word of God. (This same great resource was recently released as a beautiful eBook, "How to Understand the Bible.")
Have You Crossed Over Jordan?
(Joshua 22) Dr. McGee correlates Israel's experience of passing over the Jordan River to enter the Promised Land with our experience of lives transformed through identification with the risen Christ.
He is Coming Again!
(John) Presents the second coming of Christ in contrast to His first coming--the Christmas yet to come. A very helpful clarification of the two comings of Christ.
Homesick for Heaven
(2 Corinthians 5:6-8) What will the New Jerusalem, our home in the heavens, be like? Dr. McGee examines the intriguing clues given to us in Scripture along with an explanation of what an ambassador for the Lord should do.
How Can God Exist in Three Persons?
While we may not be able to fully comprehend all the mysteries of the Trinity, we can at least stand on the fringe of this great truth and worship.
How God Prepared the World for the First Coming of Christ
(Matthew 2) The four major divisions of the human race entered into God's planning and timing when He sent His Son into the world.
How It All Began
(Genesis 1:1) The intrusion of human hypotheses regarding our origins has produced a babel of voices drowning out the very clear voice of God in the Book of Genesis.
How Russia Will Be Destroyed (or When Russia Comes Down Against Israel)
(Ezekiel 38 & 39) This important sermon details the future invasion of Israel by Russia and her allies, how the stage is being set, and God's surprising and decisive victory.
How to Stand Against Satan
(Ephesians 6) Satan uses every dirty trick to attack the child of God. Have you put on the armor God provides in order to avoid being defeated in your Christian life?
The Human Story
(Genesis 3) This chapter is necessary in explaining the tragic consequences of disobedience from Eden until now. Before the curtain falls on man's little day, God lets us hear the strains of the finale in Revelation 5:9, 10.
Is Capital Punishment Christian?
The Ten Commandments dictate: “Thou shalt not kill.” But does that apply to capital punishment carried out by governments? Dr. McGee turns to both the Old and New Testaments to find the answer.
Is It Possible For a Saved Person Ever to be Lost?
(Hebrews 6:4-6) In an honest search for its meaning, Dr. McGee tackles this confusing and difficult passage of Scripture, which is oftentimes skipped over by Bible commentators.
Job: A Man Stripped Bare
Having been stripped of every possible means of support, what kept Job from taking his own life? When all of the props had been knocked out from under him, he learned that the love of Christ could hold him up.
Listen to a Picture
(Luke 15) A delightful retelling of the story of the prodigal son underscores that it is not about a sinner who gets saved, but about our wonderful Father God who will take back a son who sins.
The Loveliness of Jesus
(Leviticus 2) Examines the ingredients of the meal offering as representing the Lord Jesus in His humanity--the winsomness, kingliness, glory, and sinlessness of His man-hood.
The Man Behind the Mask
Nicodemus had three masks when he came to Jesus by night. The Lord Jesus removed each of those masks, because He dealt with plain ol' Nicky–and He deals with us–just as we are. Dr. McGee turns to John 3 as his Scripture text for this message.
The Man Who Went Home for Christmas
(Genesis 5) The story of Enoch, the man who walked with God and went home to heaven without dying. He is representative of believers in Christ who someday will be changed “in the twinkling of an eye.”
Micaiah and a God-Aimed Arrow
(1 Kings 22) Four hundred prophets told King Ahab that God would be on his side in battle. Only Micaiah, the forgotten prophet, gave him God's true message--even though it meant imprisonment. A thrilling example of fulfilled prophecy.
The Millennium
(Isaiah) Dr. McGee's sermon that answers questions about the Millennial Kingdom such as What? Where? When? Who? Why? A thrilling and encouraging prophecy about the future of our earth when Christ Himself reigns as King.
New Jerusalem: The Eternal Home of the Church
(John 14:1-3 & Revelation 21) Deals with Jesus' promise in John 14 of a prepared place for a prepared people and its description in Revelation 21 as a place free of tears, pain, and death.
The Next Happening in the Program of God
(1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 & 2 Corinthians 5) The Rapture, when believers meet the Lord in the air, the death of the body, the question of cremation, and the resurrection at Christ's coming are the subjects covered in this message by Dr. McGee.
The Offense of the Cross
(Galatians 5:11) The cross of Christ is an aesthetic offense, an intellectual offense, and an offense to our pride. Why is the cross necessary?
On Eagles' Wings
(Exodus 19:4) Tells the story of the way Israel achieved freedom--from slavery in Egypt to security in the land of promise on the eagles' wings of God's grace--in the same way God delivers us from sin.
The Power of Negative Thinking
(Proverbs 3:5-7) This proverb points to the many vital negatives throughout the Bible, including the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount.
The Rapture Comes Next
Through a careful comparison of Scriptures, Dr. McGee shows the difference between the Rapture of the church from this earth and the revelation of Christ, when He will return to set up His earthly kingdom.
The Rose Parade of Resurrection
This message presents the resurrection of all believers as a parade, each group in its own chronological division. Dr. McGee also covers the reality and proofs of the resurrection.
The Sabbath Day or the Lord’s Day–Which?
(Exodus 20) As part of the ceremonial Law of the Old Testament, the Sabbath day has been fulfilled in Christ. The church today meets on the Lord’s Day to testify that Jesus came back from the dead!
Satan: Who is He?
Dr. McGee gives the biblical perspective on this rebellious and evil creature. Among other things he is described as an “angel of light” and a “roaring lion.” But there is a way to stand against him. A very important message for this present age!
The Secret of Power
(Zechariah 4:1-6) Why are we impotent against the onslaught of evil that overruns our world? We find the secret of power in this unexpected place in the Old Testament.
The Secret of Service
(John 21) At breakfast on the seashore, Simon Peter learns from his resurrected Lord the essential requirement for service.
Some Seed.?!
(Matthew 13) Dr. McGee argued that the parable illustrating Jesus Christ as the Sower, sowing the seed of the Word of God in the human heart, is the key to understanding the whole Bible.
Sorrow Not . . .
(1 Thessalonians 4) Taken from Paul’s exhortation to “sorrow not as others who have no hope,” this message provides great comfort for those who have lost a loved one.
The Spiritual Fingerprints of the Visible Church
Dr. McGee identifies the true church as it adheres firmly to the apostles' doctrine, fellowship, partaking of the Lord's Supper, prayer, and witnessing.
Stranger of Galilee
(Zechariah) Jesus came to His own people, the Jews, but they didn't recognize who He was. Zechariah had prophesied this centuries before, yet they missed it. Why did He come the first time? And why is He coming again?
The Tabernacle: God's Portrait of Christ
(Exodus 35 – 40) God gave the tabernacle to us as a picture of Christ before He sent the Person of Christ. All the great doctrines of the Christian faith are contained therein, and it is the ABCs of salvation for babes in Christ.
This is His Life
(John 1) Introduces us to the great powerhouse that lies at the center of this universe--the throbbing, pulsating heart of God as revealed in His Son, the Light of the World.
Three Worlds in One
(2 Peter 3) Details the three worlds or three time periods. The world that was perished in the Flood. The world that is refers to the present age. The world that will be includes the Rapture of the church, the Great Tribulation, and the new heavens and new earth.
Tongues on Fire
(James 3:2-18) Your tongue tells whether you’re ignorant or educated, cultured or crude, guilty or not guilty. And it can tell if you’re a believer or a blasphemer.
The Unpardonable Sin
(Mark 3) God today offers to us a pardon, and to refuse to accept that pardon is to sin against the Holy Spirit. That, Scripture reveals, is the unpardonable sin.
Wanted: Stretcher Bearers
(Mark 2) God honored the faith of four unnamed men who refused to let anything stand in the way of getting their paralyzed friend to Jesus. A picture of how we can bring to Him those who are paralyzed by sin and prejudice or are bound to beds of defeat and discouragement.
Was Abraham Justified By Works?
(Genesis 22) James says yes and Paul says no – are they in conflict? The answer is revealed in this careful analysis of paradoxical Scriptures.
What Do You Do With Your Burdens?
A compilation of four helpful messages: What Do You Do with Your Fears? What Do You Do with Your Past? What Do You Do with Your Future? and What Do You Do with Your Burdens?
What is Christmas Without the Resurrection?
Jesus is no longer a helpless baby in a manger but a mighty Savior risen from the dead! Without the resurrection, the Christmas story is meaningless.
What is This World Coming To?
(Psalm 2) A unique exposition, depicting the worldwide movement against God which will be stopped at the return of Christ to this earth.
What Really Happened on the Day of Pentecost?
Explains the events that took place on the Day of Pentecost from three vantage points: waiting for the Holy Spirit, wanting the Holy Spirit and witnessing in the power of the Holy Spirit.
When Divorce is Scriptural and Marriage is Unscriptural
(Malachi 2:11-16) This little-known section of Scripture is God’s stinging rebuke against marital sins, reinforced here with other Old and New Testament verses.
When God Became Man
(John 1) A novel exposition of the key verses of John 1, presenting Jesus Christ, Creator and Sustainer of the universe, who came out of eternity to be our Savior and left the fingerprints of the Trinity everywhere.
Who is Antichrist?
A careful examination of this menacing, enigmatic figure, using Revelation 3; 1 John 2 and 4; 2 John 7; and 2 Thessalonians 2:2.
Why Angels Do Not Sing!
(Luke) God has given men and women something to really sing about, something even angels do not share. Sin has stolen our song away, but there's a way to get it back--redemption through Jesus Christ.
Why Jesus Died!
(Luke 23:27-49) Some have said He died as a martyr, others that He died as our example. But there was far more involved in the death of Jesus than heroism or illustration. Dr. McGee explains the importance of Jesus' death for all mankind.
Why Jesus Was Angry
(Mark 3) In the Old Testament God was angry with sin. Jesus, God incarnate, was angry with sin. The Christian, likewise, should be angry with sin.
Why the Flood?
(Genesis 6 & 7) This important message deals with the evidence of a universal flood, the reason for it as detailed in the Bible, and the fact that the evil days that preceded the Flood have returned.
Witnesses: After He Died They Saw Him Alive
Dr. McGee simulates a courtroom as he calls witnesses to the stand. You will hear the testimony that each one gives, examine the evidence, and decide for yourself whether or not Jesus arose from the dead.
Women’s Place in the Local Church
(1 Timothy 2) Churches miss out on something when they will not use the talents of women. This message gives the background of Paul’s exhortation to women, explains that God can and will use them in His work, and addresses the one area upon which God has set limits.
World Dominion: Whose Will it Be?
(Daniel 2) Dr. McGee's sermon on the times of the Gentiles from Babylon to the return of Christ--as depicted by Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the multimetallic image in Daniel 2. Interwoven is the history of God's universal sovereignty in world government.