World Prayer Today

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“I am a new believer in Christ …”

May 22, 2017

Welcome, World Prayer Team! This week as we travel through Southeast Asia, we’re celebrating the power of God’s Word to change lives.

Listen to the story we recently received from a listener of our Hindi language broadcasts:

“My name is Hukma, and I am a new believer in Christ. Through your program I have realized that man cannot find peace through the work of His hands. Jesus Christ is the only and ultimate sacrifice for mankind to be reconnected with God. The religion of my family taught many things that were the opposite of the Bible. It’s taken some time, but with God’s help and by listening to your program, I came to the true saving knowledge of God. I have also learned that it’s my spiritual duty to share the Good News of salvation with unreached people. Though the Christian life is not easy, I receive my daily strength from our Lord. Please pray for my spiritual growth in Christ.”

Yes! Let’s pray for followers of Jesus like this one and for the broadcasting of God’s Word in Hindi … especially in countries like East Timor where pastors are few and Christian resources are almost nonexistent.

It’s a privilege to pray with you. Join us tomorrow in Indonesia.