World Prayer Today

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Praying our way along the emerald shores

July 28, 2017

Serene but spirited. That’s how many travel guides describe the gorgeous island of Samoa. Doesn’t that sound perfect? So, hop aboard as we travel on our knees along the emerald shores.

Our first stop will be to pray with a listener of Thru the Bible’s Hindi broadcasts who recently wrote this letter:

“I am 80 years old and I work as a security guard. I am very blessed by the Bible study messages. I live all alone and radio is my only friend. Whenever I am down and feel very lonely, God talks with me through His Word. I feel His unique presence with me. Though I am old, Scripture fills my heart with joy. Pray for me that I may grow in God’s love day by day.”

Isn’t that great? We are never too old (or young) to grow in God’s love. Today let’s pray many people in Samoa will hear Thru the Bible and be filled with the joy and love found only through a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Next week we travel home to North America. Join us as we pray our way through our hometowns.