World Prayer Today

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“I grew up in church but still struggle so much!”

August 04, 2017

“I grew up in church, but I still struggle so much!”

That’s what Adam, a listener in Tennessee, recently shared. He continues:

“I don’t always understand what God is doing, but I continue to pray and read my Bible. I was very happy when I found and downloaded your app. Now I read a chapter of the Bible each morning while I get ready for work and then listen to Dr. McGee on my commute to work. I love the app! I’m learning so much and slowly my questions are being answered. Thank you in Jesus’ name.”

What an honest letter. Let’s pray that more of God’s people in the United States and around the world will make Bible study a consistent part of their daily lives. Through their time in His Word, may God reveal Himself to them and deepen their faith.

Next week we’ll pray our way through Central Europe. Meet us in Romania on Monday.