World Prayer Today

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“My family has agreed to receive Jesus.”

August 15, 2017

Psalm 119:103 says, “How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”

That’s also what we hear today from a listener of Thru the Bible’s Malagasy broadcasts in Madagascar. She writes:

“How sweet is the Word of God through the mouth of His committed servants! Thank you for teaching us to read the Scriptures and how to memorize and meditate on them. Each Word is sweeter than any honey we can imagine. My family has agreed to receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior as you led us. We have recognized how awful our lives are and have asked Jesus to cleanse us. We pray that God will be near us, helping us to live the life that He has chosen. We know this will be difficult and we will often fail, but we want to be found holy before His throne.”

What wonderful news! As we pray today, thank God for these new brothers and sisters in Christ and ask God to draw all those who study His Word into, first, a saving relationship and then a deeper and more mature relationship Him.

A father in Guinea Bissau requests our prayers. Join us tomorrow on World Prayer Today.