World Prayer Today

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Praying our way through the Ring of Fire

September 06, 2017

Located in an area of the Pacific Ocean called the Ring of Fire, Papua New Guinea boasts that it is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. But with this diversity come complex issues that need much prayer.

So as we make our way through these coastal towns and gorgeous green hillsides, here are few facts to guide us as we intercede for God’s people living in this rugged, yet beautiful land:

  • 96% identify themselves as members of a Christian church, but many combine their Christian beliefs with other practices including the traditions of witchcraft and Spiritism.
  • 40% of the population is illiterate.
  • Among the seven million people who live in Papua New Guinea, more than 830 languages are spoken.
  • Human trafficking is a widespread problem, but the government has not taken significant attempts against it nor complied with minimum international standards.

Thank you for joining us in the privilege of prayer.

Our journey continues tomorrow in the mysterious country of Myanmar. We hope you’ll meet us there.