World Prayer Today

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Praying our way through L.A.

October 13, 2017

Welcome to Los Angeles! As we make our way past the iconic Hollywood sign and streets lined with palm trees, we take a minute to meet with a listener named Federico. He shares:

“God’s Word has come alive! Since I have systematically started studying the Bible with you, I am a different person. I am overcome with emotion at each message, and thanks to your clear exposition I understand more than I ever thought I would. I mostly listen in Spanish, but sometimes in English, too. What a joy to be able to pick! May God continue to use you to reach thousands and thousands in every language … people in all nations. I will continue to pray that the Most High will cover your every need in abundance.”

His enthusiasm is wonderful, isn’t it? Today let’s join Federico and ask God to use Thru the Bible to reach people in every language … of all nations … for His glory. Through His Word may they come into a real and vibrant relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

There’s more to pray about next week as we travel on our knees through Central Europe. We’ll meet you there.