World Prayer Today

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Hope for broken marriages

October 19, 2017

“I intended to divorce my wife ….”

That’s the beginning of a letter we received from a listener in Poland. What changed his mind? God’s Word! Here’s the rest of his miraculous story.

“But when I began to pack my things to leave, I remembered your teaching and decided to stay and support her and the children. I had only listened to your program for a week, but in that instant, it was as if God revealed to me that I was living selfishly and had to surrender everything to Him. I am grateful for this intervention. Slowly He is showing me my mistakes, and through His Word I am learning to mend them. My desire is to learn how to become a good husband and father and son of the King.”

What great news! Let’s pray for all those who hear God’s Word today. Specifically, let’s ask Him to bring healing and hope to more broken marriages and families in Poland and around the world.

Join us tomorrow for our final stop in Central Europe: Croatia.