World Prayer Today

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Listeners in Swaziland need our prayer

November 03, 2017

Ravaged by poverty and disease, the population of the African country of Swaziland is now less than a million people. Despite the difficulties, we praise God for the opportunities He is giving Thru the Bible to bring hope to those who desperately need it.

As one listener of our African English broadcasts recently wrote:

“I have come to know Jesus and am learning a lot from your teachings. I yearn to teach my family these truths. There is a lot of hardship here, but God’s Word gives us a new outlook and tells us to press forward. This is something I wish to teach my children. Please pray they will come to know the Lord and serve Him.”

Yes, praise God for the fresh perspective His Word gives all of us. Today let’s pray more people in Swaziland will hear His Word and find the hope God offers through His Son, Jesus Christ.

We’ll celebrate God at work again tomorrow right here on World Prayer Today.