World Prayer Today

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“There is nothing more beautiful than reading and obeying God’s Word”

November 22, 2017

Little known. That’s how many describe the landlocked South American country of Paraguay.

As today we visit ancient ruins and enchanting waterfalls in this forgotten paradise, let’s take a moment to pray for the impact of Thru the Bible’s broadcasts in both official languages of Paraguay: Spanish and Guarani.

As one listener recently told us:

“I have started listening to your programs beginning in Genesis. I am 23 years old and although my friends have recently become interested in old superstitions and traditions, I have decided to follow Jesus. I recently found a church, and now go to Bible study. Your programs really help to understand what I’m learning. There is nothing more beautiful than the knowledge we have by reading and obeying His Word.”

Praise God for the faith of this young man and others like him. May God’s Word heard on Thru the Bible change more hearts throughout Paraguay.

Continue our journey of praise and celebration of God’s powerful Word tomorrow in Indonesia.