World Prayer Today

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“Don’t fear; I am with you.”

March 08, 2018

Aren’t you glad for “random acts of God”—moments when we “happen” to discover something of epic importance?

Read this “random” way a young woman in Uttar Pradesh heard about Jesus . . .

“I was very fond of listening to Hindi film songs on the radio. One day, while tuning my radio, I heard a clear voice saying, ‘Don’t fear, I am with you.’ I stopped the dial and started listening to the program. The preacher’s voice in my own Bhojpuri language penetrated my heart as I had never heard this type of instruction before.

“After that day I started listening regularly, and I felt a change because this program taught me that I am a sinner and only Jesus can save me from my sins. Then one day the program challenged me to make a decision for Jesus, and with God’s help I made a decision to follow Christ. It was not easy for me, but I nevertheless had a deep sense of peace inside.

“I shared the Word of God with my family. At first they opposed me, but then came the day when they listened. They had never heard of the importance of people in the sight of God. We listened to your radio program together, which made them realize their sins and commit their lives into Jesus’ hands. Today we all together go to church and encourage each other in the Lord. I thank you for broadcasting such powerful messages. The truth has set us free.”

Be encouraged, world prayer warrior—God’s Word is changing lives.

Tomorrow we’ll hear another story of how God “randomly” saves those who seek and find Him.