World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

“I want to bring God’s message of hope to those who have so little …”

March 12, 2018

We receive your teachings with great joy,” says one listener of Thru the Bible’s Shona language broadcasts in Zimbabwe.

He continues,

“I am so happy that I can now preach from the Bible. I have grown so much from listening to your teachings and have become very active in church even when it comes to preaching. I am now better than before, and I am able to bring the message of hope to those in my country who have so very little and need so much.”

Let’s stop now and pray for these great needs . . . both spiritual and physical. And let’s also pray for Clarkson Chidimura, our producer of the Shona language, as he shares God’s hope and love with those who desperately need it.

Tomorrow the World Prayer Team travels northwest to Nigeria. Hop aboard and join us!