World Prayer Today

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Stand in the gap for Chinese believers

April 18, 2018

Today we visit China, the country with the largest population on earth and the fourth largest in land area.

Thru the Bible has broadcasted to China in Mandarin since 1977 and in Cantonese since 1988, both through powerful shortwave transmitters from Guam.

Making the Word of God available to Chinese followers of Jesus is especially urgent today for a few reasons. Pray for the people of China with this in mind:

  1. More than 100 million Chinese profess the name of Jesus (though it is really impossible to say exactly, since China is still a Communist country with restricted rights). However, very few have a solid biblical foundation to their faith.
  2. Pastoral training is desperately needed in China. Pray for more pastors to be raised up among Chinese believers and ask that God use Thru the Bible as a “Bible school” for those who want to be trained in how to understand and teach the whole Word of God.
  3. Persecution remains a reality for many Chinese believers. China is becoming more open to the gospel, but Christians are also suffering for their faith.

Stand in the gap for Chinese believers today, asking the Lord to provide for these vital needs.

Tomorrow we’re jumping over to Taiwan. Come pray with us!