World Prayer Today

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Thanks from a Latin American cowboy

June 04, 2018 When you’re south of the equator, anywhere you find cattle on the pampas, you’ll also find cowboys—called vaqueros or gauchos in Bolivia.

Herding cattle is hard and lonely work. Gauchos work from before dawn till the work is done. Our World Prayer Team visits today with a gaucho who shares how he spends his long days:

“I live on a cattle property as a gaucho in the town of Pailon, Bolivia. With my mp3 player in my pocket, I listen to
Thru the Bible in my language of Quechua many times over every day. It is my favorite for learning spiritual things of God. So I listen and think every day about what God has for me, and then I obey it. For that reason, every day I am a better man. I thank God for you and the work of the gospel.”

Praise God that His Word reaches the pampas of South America and the heart of this kind cowboy. Pray for others in Bolivia who hunger after the Word of God. Ask God to make His name famous in these isolated places.

Tomorrow we travel along the coast of South America in Peru.