World Prayer Today

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“My beloved Spain is a difficult country to reach.”

June 28, 2018

Welcome, World Prayer Team members! Today we’re in the magnificent country of Spain where God’s Word heard on Thru the Bible reaches new listeners every day.

Check out this letter from a new listener, a young woman from Barcelona who recently wrote:

“I just found your program and I am amazed and grateful for this teaching. May this email also bless and encourage you. And may the blessings of our Lord guide and strengthen you in the pursuing of all your goals and projects.

“My beloved Spain is a difficult country to reach. Many don’t want to hear God’s Word, and even those who have accepted Christ still mix their worship with occult practices. I pray the Lord will use your programs to show them the evil they are flirting with, and may He open new doors for your broadcasts that are still closed.”

What a great prayer for Spain! Let’s join her in asking God to use His Word to guide believers in ending their practices in the occult. And let’s ask Him to open doors so the Good News of Jesus Christ can be heard in every household of Spain.

Join us tomorrow on World Prayer Today as we head to Switzerland.