World Prayer Today

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“Radio is our only hope …”

July 23, 2018

With the variety of technology available to us today, it might seem strange that radio is still one of the most effective tools for sharing the gospel. But for millions, it’s the only way they will hear the Good News.

As one listener in Vietnam puts it:

“At first I would like to say thanks to God for reaching us in remote areas through your radio program. We truly believe that it’s God’s way to save us. Without a church or electricity, there is no other way for us to hear His Word, and we are so grateful for this good and clear signal.”

And another Vietnamese listener agrees:

“After a long day of work, I turn on our radio in the evening and our family gathers to listen to your program. Your teaching is very effective; it’s changing me from the inside out. We live in the mountains where life is difficult, but your words encourage me to serve the Lord and care for my neighbors. Please keep broadcasting—radio is our only hope of reaching others in our village.”

Today let’s echo that prayer and ask that more people in remote areas of Vietnam and around the world will be reached for God’s glory as they listen to Thru the Bible.

Join us tomorrow as we pray our way through Micronesia! See you then.