World Prayer Today

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On the right bus?

August 10, 2018

We’re traveling on our knees to our prayer destinations, but Mr. Sólyom in Hungary wrote us about another trip that he took.

“I want to express my abundant joy about our joint efforts in the Lord. Let me tell you about an experience I had. I got on the bus, took my seat, and in the meantime I was praying, when all of a sudden I looked out of the window and saw that the bus was not going in the right direction. I felt myself panic. I looked at the other passengers, they were calm and quiet. Did I make a mistake? (At my age sometimes that happens). When I looked out again and I recognized the route, I calmed down. Then it came to mind how good it is that the bus in which we are travelling towards eternity is in the hand of Christ. I remembered this story a little bit later while listening to your evening program, where a brother preached about trains which start off in different directions but only one is right—the one which leads to the Kingdom of God. This was just an example of how God teaches me through my day-to-day experiences. It is so wonderful to listen to the preaching. I carry you in my prayers each day. May our Lord bless you all as we support each other!”

Pray today for those in Hungary to “get on the right bus!”

Next week we’re on the road again—to Africa!