World Prayer Today

Pouring tea and truth in Madagascar

August 14, 2018

Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. —1 Corinthians 10:31

Welcome to World Prayer Today where our travels take us to a small town in northern Madagascar to meet a faithful sister in Christ who has committed her life and her tea shop to the glory of the Lord.

She shares:

“I write to you to ask for prayer. Every evening in my shop I turn on your radio program so that I can listen. At first my customers did not want to hear it and would buy their drinks and leave. But over time they’ve begun to stay and listen along with me. In our town many people still worship the idols of their ancestors . . . even those who go to church. One evening you spoke on idol worship and it caused a great stir. Many people accepted Christ that night and many began to change their habits. What a joy to watch God at work! Will you pray for me? I want my life and my tea shop to be continually used for God’s glory so that more of our neighbors will come to know Him. Please join me in asking God to make His Word shine so brightly in our darkness that everyone will see His truth.”

That’s a great request! Today let’s surrender our hearts and echo her prayer for her neighbors in Madagascar and for ours here at home. May God use all of us for His glory.

Tomorrow our journey continues in Guinea Bissau, join us here!