World Prayer Today

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“God uses us in ways we might never imagine.”

August 15, 2018

“Sometimes it seems like our efforts are in vain, but take heart—God uses us in ways we might never imagine.”

That’s the encouragement we receive today as our World Prayer journey brings us to Guinea Bissau, Africa, where we meet with a listener who is excited to tell us the rest of his story.

“I was a poor lost sinner. But one night a friend of mine began coming to my place with his radio. He invited me to listen to Thru the Bible in Portuguese. I didn’t want to listen, but I also couldn’t refuse because he was my friend and I didn’t want to make him unhappy. So we listened and a few months later he had to move.

“Shortly after that I was able to buy a radio of my own. Out of habit, I began listening to your program with my family. Immediately my wife gave her life to Jesus and not long after I followed her.

“At the beginning I did not fully realize what I was doing. But day by day, the Spirit of God was touching my life and I changed completely. Today we are a very happy family waiting for the Bridegroom to take us home. Thank you for sharing God’s Word. Please don’t stop! Even when you are not certain your programs are bearing fruit, please remember that until we reach eternity we may never know the impact our actions have had on the lives of others. As it says in Philippians 1:6, ‘Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.’”

What a great reminder! Let’s thank God for His faithfulness and ask Him to complete the good works He has begun in each one of us. And let’s pray that more listeners in Guinea Bissau will hear our broadcasts and respond in faith.

Tomorrow the World Prayer Team is off to Mali, we’ll see you then.