World Prayer Today

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“I’ve always wanted a Bible, but they are forbidden in my country”

September 25, 2018

“I’ve always wanted a Bible, but they are forbidden in my country.”

That’s a text we recently received from Murad, a listener of Thru the Bible’s broadcasts in Iran. He continues:

“That’s why I was pleased to hear about your app for my phone. I have downloaded it and listen all the time. Your explanations are like a door to light for me. I feel happy when I am listening, and I do not want each episode to end because it is like treasure for me! Many others around me are listeners too, but they are hesitant to write because of the security issue. Thank you so much and please keep it up!”

What a joy it is hear how God is using new technology to reach listeners like Murad and other listeners of our Arabic and Persian broadcasts in Iran. Please pray that God blesses them as they seek to know Him better.

Tomorrow our prayer journey takes us to Qatar. Please join us.