World Prayer Today

“Your Bible is false”

September 28, 2018

Unlike its Middle Eastern neighbors, the desert island of Bahrain offers a more relaxed and moderate atmosphere. Women’s faces are often unveiled, and quite a few local churches can be found within its borders.

But with more than 83% of the population claiming to follow Islam and increasing hostility against believers, Thru the Bible broadcasts in this area need your prayers now more than ever before.

As the producer of our Arabic language broadcasts says,

“Please pray for Bahraini believers to be lights in the darkness despite daily hostility. And please pray for people like Hassad who listens regularly, but argues with us over biblical issues and sends us regular emails like this one: ‘Your Bible is false, but your stories are interesting. Why do you not consult the Quran?’”

Let’s join with our brother in praying for the Bahraini people. Ask God to send His Spirit to give courage to those who choose to follow Him, and soften the hearts of those who oppose Him.

Next week we travel to Northeast Asia. Invite your friends to join us.