World Prayer Today

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Praying for believers in Somalia

October 30, 2018

“Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord.”  -Psalm 31:24

Living for Christ in the East African nation of Somalia can be extremely difficult. In fact, the majority of Somalians are Sunni Muslim and still practice old traditions—including female circumcision. In addition, Islamic fundamentalists have vowed to eliminate all Christians in Somalia; murders of believers have become more common.

To encourage these brothers and sisters and to reach their persecutors and others for Christ, Thru the Bible airs in the Somali language. And we praise God that His Word is taking root in the hearts of listeners like this one who recently sent this message:

“Thank you for your programs. I cannot read, and listening to the Word of God has changed my life. You have introduced me to the God who gives me hope, and in Him I have found courage beyond my capabilities.”

Today let’s pray for all those who worship the living God in Somalia. Let’s ask Him to protect their fellowships and uphold them as they seek to live their lives for His glory. And while we’re at it, let’s thank Him for His Word that gives us all courage and hope.

Tomorrow we’ll continue our journey through Africa. Join us as we travel to the Ivory Coast.