World Prayer Today

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“I thought I was a right and good person …”

November 26, 2018

Granted by the government in 1998, religious freedom in the country of Albania is still a relatively new concept. Today, in some areas, Christian churches are planted alongside the many Muslim ones. But many still lack a Christian presence.

As one Thru the Bible listener tells us:

“I thought that I was right and a good person, but through a friend of mine, I began to understand that I was a sinner. I had never heard such information before. This friend of mine talked to me about your program. In the beginning I was skeptical, but I loved my friend so much that I decided to listen. She gave me a Bible and we began to listen. I was surprised—it was as if this Bible study was just for me. Now I continue to listen and to learn more from you every day. Thank you so much for helping me know the Lord and grow in my understanding of His Word.”

What a powerful testimony of how God uses good friends and Christian radio to reach people for His glory. Let’s pray boldly and ask that more people will hear the Good News in every country of the world.

Join us tomorrow as the celebration continues right here on World Prayer Today.