World Prayer Today

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Meet a fellow prayer warrior from Hungary

December 11, 2018

Welcome to Hungary. Today as we travel the globe celebrating God’s work, we stop and visit with a prayer warrior named Mrs. Z.

She writes,

I receive a lot of blessings every day because I listen to your broadcasts with an open heart. I have been growing continuously in the Lord Jesus and living by faith daily. In my prayer time I try to listen in silence, asking for whom I should pray and I also intercede for the brothers and sisters who serve the Lord as they preach God’s Word with His strength and by the leading of the Holy Spirit. As I listen to you, I pray that the hearts of all of your listeners will become soft and that the Word strikes roots and produces lots of fruit, and for thousands who are given the gospel. My greatest hope is that they might invite Jesus Christ into their hearts.”

What a wonderful prayer request! Let’s echo that today and also praise Him for the work He has already done in hearts and lives of Thru the Bible listeners all over the world.

Join us tomorrow for more prayer and praise, right here on World Prayer Today.