World Prayer Today

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Praying for our children

December 19, 2018

No matter where you live around the world, godly parents pray that their children will grow up to love Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

Today we are delighted to be reunited with a listener from Brazil whose parents gave her a love for God and His Word from a young age. She writes:

“My parents introduced me to Thru the Bible in my childhood! Today I’m 34. A few days ago I discovered again Thru the Bible and it was like meeting a long ago pastor. I have missed those days when each night I heard the Word of God with my parents. Now I have them again.”

Today—and especially during this special season of the year when we’re often with our families—praise God for parents who are raising their children to love Him.  Especially remember families in Brazil, the focus of our World Prayer journey today. As you intercede for your own family today, remember those in South America who are teaching their children to love the Lord.

More celebration comes tomorrow as we praise God for His work in our lives and around the world in 2018.