World Prayer Today

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Jesus is alive

December 24, 2018

“Jesus is alive!” That’s the good news we hear today from an unlikely place. 

Enjoy this letter we recently received from one Thru the Bible listener in Sudan:

“I was a Muslim and Muslim teacher but felt dead in my religion. Now my family and I learn the Word of God through your Arabic program and have new life. Please pray for us so that we are strong in faith. It isn’t always safe for Christians here, but I want to give thanks to God because we are blessed by Jesus Christ. My family is privileged to listen to you and hear you encourage us to serve the Lord by telling others about salvation. Pray for us so God always uses us to be His instrument. We will pray that you keep broadcasting the Good News of a living and active God that loves us more each day.”

Today, let’s praise God for the transforming power of His Word in the lives of this family and in the lives of His people around the world … including our own!

The celebration continues tomorrow in Zimbabwe. Join us, won’t you?