World Prayer Today

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Encouragement from Algeria

January 18, 2019

Welcome to World Prayer Today where we’re praising God for His Word that is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105).

Listen to this beautiful letter from a listener in Algeria.

“I live in a place where darkness surrounds me because I’m originally from a Muslim faith and living in a Muslim country. But I am now a Christian! God’s Word has become the light and love of my life. I pray that I will light the darkness around me. I am facing many kinds of persecution because I have faith in Jesus Christ, but my heart is sustained with the joy of the Lord and I know that my treasure is in heaven. Your program has helped me a lot in understanding the Holy Bible, and many of my wounds and sorrows are being healed because the Lord, through His Word, is working in me. You are now my family and I hope you consider me one of yours, too.”

Isn’t her love for the Lord and His Word contagious? Today let’s pray for this young woman and for all of our “family members” in Algeria. Ask God to continue to open doors for them to share their faith with those around them.

And, as we go, we pray that God’s Word will be the light and love of your life as well.

Next week the World Prayer Team visits Northeast Asia. Invite a friend to join us here at