World Prayer Today

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Meet your Indonesian brothers and sisters

February 22, 2019

What country do you think is the most populous Muslim nation in the world? The answer might surprise you!

It’s Indonesia—that group of 17,000 islands that separate the Indian Ocean from the Pacific. The people of Indonesia are scattered across 6,000 islands—from rural fishing villages to metropolitan megacities, speaking over 722 languages and dialects. In spite of tremendous persecution from the Muslim population, over 15% of Indonesians follow Jesus Christ, and the church there is experiencing unity as a result of their suffering.

Ready to be encouraged? Read some mail from Indonesians listening to Thru the Bible. Their faith and joy will buoy your prayers for them:

  • “I am so grateful for the love of Jesus Christ. Through His sacrifice I am saved, I am forgiven, and my sin is forgotten. Indonesian TTB programs always remind me about that.”
  • “Praise the Lord it has been one year since I received the gift of God through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. One year is not enough to know Him—thank God we will have eternity. Thank you for introducing me to Jesus.”
  • “Praise the Lord Jesus for His love and grace to all of us. Indonesian TTB programs have encouraged me to read the Bible every day. The words of God sometimes rebuked and advised, comforted and strengthened me so I was aware of my sin and decided to follow Jesus forever. I know now that in the Lord Jesus there is a victory for those who believe in Him.”

Pray for the Word of God to dwell richly in the lives of Indonesians as they live out their faith in a culture that opposes the light of the gospel.

Next week our prayer journey takes us to Latin America. Please join us there!