World Prayer Today

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“I know the truth when I hear it”

March 07, 2019

“I know the truth when I hear it, and through your program we came to know the real God, His love, and power.” Praise the Lord for this great news from a woman who was once controlled by demons.

Here’s her story:

“My name is Dugiyan. I had committed myself to my religion, unaware it brought me great harm. I was in the stronghold of evil powers. It became so violent that my husband took me to witchcraft practitioners, hoping to rid me of the death-like control. But all in vain.

“For days I suffered until my husband shared our plight with a friend from the market who is a Christian believer. When his friend came to our home and started praying for me, I became very violent, shouting loudly and trying to run out. But the prayer warriors defeated the evil powers of Satan and after much agony, the powers left me.

“The next day, my new friend came again and found me relieved and shared with us the Word of God from John 3:16 and Romans 3:23. They also introduced us to the TTB radio program, and from that day onwards we have listened with much eagerness. I know the truth when I hear it, and through your program we came to know the real God, His love, and power.”

What great evidence of the power of God’s Word that can break the chains of the enemy! Pray for people today who need freedom from evil powers—may God’s truth prevail.

Join us tomorrow as we pray for prodigals and those who love them.