World Prayer Today

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A modern-day Psalm from Africa

March 12, 2019

In Psalm 103, King David wrote, “Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name!”

And that’s also what we hear today from a listener of Thru the Bible’s Tigrinya language broadcast in Eritrea, Africa. She writes:

“I will bless the Lord with my entire soul. I will bless the Lord and His holy name forever! For He has saved my family and brought us out of sadness and ruin! I am only 16 years old, but I carried such a burden because my father rejected my mother and my four brothers and sisters. Father never made much money, but would drink and gamble with friends after work. He often would not come home for days. My mother was left with the job of stretching the little bit of money he gave us to make sure we had enough to eat and a home to live in. But more importantly, every night mother made us sit down around the table to listen to your programs. At the end of each program we prayed for our dad to come and join us around the table and listen to God’s Word. We prayed for Him with great enthusiasm.

“Although it took a few years, God answered our prayers! Now I want to yell to everyone I know that God is WITH us! How can we not praise His name? Today my dad listens with us and a remarkable change has occurred in our home—there is love and partnership between my mom and dad, and God provides for our every basic need. We are not rich, but we are very happy. Please continue to broadcast God’s Word. There are so many others who need His hope and love.”

Yes, God is with us! Do you need that encouragement as well? As we pray today, let’s lift up one another and the people of Eritrea. Ask God to encourage us as we trust and wait on Him to dry our tears and answer our prayers.

Tomorrow we pray our way through Nigeria. Join us here and invite a friend to pray with you here at