World Prayer Today

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A Muslim “accidentally” hears God’s Word and wants more

March 19, 2019

“I am a Muslim man living in France. Are you surprised to hear from me?”

That’s the lighthearted opening to a letter we recently received from one listener of our French language broadcast. But he quickly turned serious:

“I heard your message by accident in a taxi and was very touched. Will you send me a Bible? I was surprised to hear you will let me download your resources for free. I went to your website expecting to pay something. Thank you for such a gift. I will finally be able to understand the Bible because of your explanations, and it is something that in my view is worth being explored.”

Isn’t that wonderful? The driver of that taxi cab may never know the impact he had on his passenger that day!

Today let’s pray for this man and all those who hear God’s Word “accidentally” in France and around the world! May God continue to reveal Himself to those who don’t yet know Him.

Tomorrow we travel to the glamorous country of Monaco, hop aboard and join us!