World Prayer Today

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Can you identify with this mom?

April 22, 2019

Welcome to World Prayer Today. Can you identify with this mom?

I began my Bible Bus journey around 1997. It was around 4:00 in the afternoon when I picked up my children from school. While I waited for them to get out, I was able to listen to the Spanish program in the car. Other mothers joined me in the car as we waited for our children. Two of my friends found Jesus as we sat and listened over the whole school year. Now my children are grown and I am still listening to you. I sit on the Bible Bus and listen on my mobile phone. Thank you very much for a lifetime of ministry to me. (I love your Spanish Thru the Bible Facebook page!) It is clear that God will continue to prosper your ministry as the name of Jesus is lifted up. A hug from me ….”

You’re never sure how your example of following Jesus will influence others. Keep praying, keep following Jesus, and share His hope with everyone you can.

We’re headed north to French-speaking Canada tomorrow. Join us in prayer if you can!