World Prayer Today

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A happy meeting in Haiti

April 25, 2019

Welcome to World Prayer Today. The Thru the Bible producer, Storly Michel, shares a glimpse into the lives of your brothers and sisters in Haiti who listen to our same Bible study lessons on the Creole broadcast:

We were ministering in the coastal town of Phaeton recently and one man’s reaction was priceless. As I passed a one-roomed home in this town with no electricity, I noticed an old man, Ethius, who sat alone inside. He was listening to Radio 4VCEH on a solar radio that he’d just received from our team. He said, ‘I’m so very grateful for this new radio because my eyes are bad and I can’t read anymore, but thanks to you I can listen to the Bible now.’ When he learned my name, Ethius started to cry. Over the years, he’s listened to programs I present on Thru the Bible. He said, ‘Thank you, God, I’m so happy. God sent you to me today!’”

Thank you, World Prayer Team, for partnering with us as together we serve God and the Haitian people through radio.

We’re off to Canada tomorrow, traveling on our knees.